Besides, I am more tired of waking up on these fine autumn mornings to find even the apples on my side of the fence is much less in number.
The fence in the foreground is blue, but somehow the overall scene gives an impression of a cold, bleak winter day on a farm.
Then he began to paint the fence in the hot sun.
Sitting under a shady tree, Tom eats the apple and watches Ben paint the fence in the hot sun.
Officers Kangri used soccer goals to fence the animal in.
Heart in mouth, I reached the fence and looked over.
An animal in a field may look over the fence into the next field, where perhaps there are no animals and grass in the field looks greener.
My grandmother likes sitting outside in the sun after lunch, but her neighbour has put up a high fence that stops sunshine from going into her yard in the early afternoon.
Aunt Polly says there isn't one boy in a thousand that's fit to paint the fence.
In the Gaza Strip, three Palestinians who approached the border fence were killed in an Israeli air strike.
To reduce the number of raccoons living nearby, keep your cooking grill clean, secure your garbage and fence in your garden.
When we reached the little dachshund's pen, she was on her hind legs against a cyclone fence, barking in an unbearably shrill tone, though she was wagging her tail.
A nomad when she walked in through its fence, in the moment of settling into its impoverished community she became something else instead: part of the burgeoning class of pastoral dropouts.
A Bengal tiger has killed a lion at Ankara zoo after finding a gap in the fence separating their cages, say zoo officials in the Turkish capital.
A horse is seen through a snow-covered fence in Helperby, northern England.
No problem, there was a gap in the fence nearby, so I simply began taking some pictures from there.
Some 500 rosewood logs lay stacked behind a padlocked bamboo fence in a storage lot surrounded by fields of corn and manioc.
The fence in your heart, and then climb, those little ivy leaves adorned among them, like a blade secret under the butterfly rests, dream, can use to describe general pollen.
As the surviving wildebeest funnelled along the fence in search of water, they entered a hunting area, where poachers lay in wait.
People like me, working on both sides of the fence, strongly believe in the virtues of cross-pollination.
As a front door opens, you are led into a cozy semi-public garden enclosed by the projected second floor terrace above and a shoulder-high stone fence in your left.
The first man to fence in a piece of land saying "this is mine" and who found people simple enough to believe him, was the real founder of civil society.
She looked out sadly at a gray cat walking along a gray fence in a gray backyard.
Lincoln holds open a gap in a barbed wire fence. Tweener runs in too quickly and slices his hand on the wire.
A detainee stands by an interior fence in the prison.
The fencing effect of the net fence in shifting sand area also shows difference among three wind directions.
The fencing effect of the net fence in shifting sand area also shows difference among three wind directions.