Whoever is right about the fertility rate, there will be no more positive contribution to growth from increases in the labor force.
Since child mortality is higher in poor countries, the replacement fertility rate is higher there, too.
Even Japan, famous for its dearth of children, has a higher fertility rate, at 1.3.
Many rural people have ignored the rules. And Thailand, by contrast, has achieved a sharper drop in its fertility rate over the same period without such tough measures.
Another study discovered that, as cable television spread, the fertility rate in rural India dropped by as much as if women had received five additional years of education.
But with a population as large as China's and over a long time horizon, the consequences of small differences in the fertility rate are far reaching.
Yet the fall in the fertility rate may reflect dissatisfactions too: notably, over the difficulties faced by women who want both to work and to raise a family.
The low fertility rate in many of that continent's more developed countries means their populations are ageing and shrinking.
In other words, the fertility rate is falling because more women are postponing marriage to nearer the end of their reproductive lives.
The fertility rate, 1.74 in 1980, climbed a bit later in that decade, but has fallen since.
In cities and wealthier rural areas, surveys found that the number of babies women said they actually wanted would produce a fertility rate well below 1.47.
High fertility is not just due, as some argue, to big immigrant families: a recent demographic study shows that the overall fertility rate would be 1.9 even without them.
What is striking, though, is the gulf between the fertility rate in the United States and other rich countries.
Though its fertility rate may have fallen recently, it is still slightly higher than Europe’s.
Though its fertility rate may have fallen recently, it is still slightly higher than Europe's.
Japan's fertility rate has dropped to 1.34 children per woman, shrinking the pool of workers and consumers, and increasing the burden on younger employees to pay for an aging population.
Zhang Juwei of CASS believes the overall fertility rate is no higher than 1.6.
And he seems misinformed about the source of the slight uptick in the U.S. fertility rate in recent years.
Japan's fertility rate — the average number of children a woman bears in her lifetime — fell to an all-time low of 1.25 last year.
America's fertility rate is 60% higher than Japan's and 40% higher than the European average.
Europe's total fertility rate has been below the level needed to replace the population for about 34 years, according to a 2005 Rand Corp.study.
The CASS study calls for a "prompt" change of policy to get the fertility rate up to around the "replacement level" of 2.1.
The total fertility rate had been 5.8 in 1950, he notes, and had declined sharply to 2.3 by 1980, just above replacement level.
They say the country's fertility rate may actually be much lower than the official figure of around 1.8.
By 2030, according to United Nations projections, the total fertility rate in sub-Saharan Africa could fall to three. By 2050 it could be below 2.5.
When I look at the problem of Rwanda's population, it starts with the high fertility rate among our poor women.
The fertility rate is a hypothetical, almost conjectural number.
In 1990 the continent's total fertility rate was over six, compared with two in East Asia.
If you adjust their lifetime fertility rate to take account of this bulge of babies on arrival, you find immigrant fertility is about 2.2, not much above average.
If you adjust their lifetime fertility rate to take account of this bulge of babies on arrival, you find immigrant fertility is about 2.2, not much above average.