Aspect plays a very important role in fetching strategy implementation.
See the attached source code for complete working example illustrating the fetching strategy.
Lazy fetching should almost always be used as your default association-fetching strategy.
Hibernate lets the definition of a query override the default fetching strategy for associations.
Here fetching strategy decision management is kept out side the lower level service or repository layer.
Fetching strategy is a business level cross cutting concern and it changes based on the business use case.
The employee fetching strategy in the repository class needs to be changed based on the use case required.
Here we use Aspect Oriented Programming for deciding which fetching strategy needs to used on business use case basis.
这里我们使用了面向方面的编程(Aspect Oriented Programming)以根据业务的不同使用不同的抓取策略。
Although lazy fetching should be the primary fetching strategy for most applications, it does add a few complications.
The decision of injecting the above fetching strategy for the required business use case is placed in aspect as shown below.
When used with collection-based associations, the query can return a different number of rows than would be returned in the default fetching strategy.
As any new business use case might require a different fetching strategy and can be applied with out modifying the lower level service or repository API.
Unless you have a legacy table that has many columns you don't need, this fetching strategy usually can't be justified since it involves extra SQL for the lazy property group.
Hibernate allows you to define a fetching strategy at two locations. One is to declare it in the mapping metadata; the other is to override it in either the HQL or the Criteria.
Hibernate allows you to define a fetching strategy at two locations. One is to declare it in the mapping metadata; the other is to override it in either the HQL or the Criteria.