Objective: to observe the validity and security of ibuprofen suspension in treating enfant fever heat of infection, thence provide reference to help choose oral febrifuge in clinic.
Other bloodsuckers like bedbugs produce heat shock proteins too-as do we, during a fever.
Root and caulis: for influenza with fever, conjunctivitis, cough due to heat in lungs, jaundice with infection, acute gastritis, urinary tract infection, injuries from impacts.
The calculation results indicate that during the forthcoming summer, the heat congestion in the body of SARS patient in isolation ward would result from the fever, and may make the illness worse.
Fever with thirst, vomiting due to heat in stomach, nausea, suppurative.
热病烦渴,胃热呕吐, 噎膈,反胃, 肺痿, 肺痈;
High fever, gastrointestinal symptoms should be intravenous infusions to ensure enough heat.
Fluids help maintain appropriate blood pressure and, in the case of fever, replenish the water lost through sweating and breathing as you dissipate body heat.
Conclusion: TBQFD can improve the symptoms, such as fever and cough, and can promote the absorption of infection and shorten the clinical course of wind-warm and pulmonary heat syndrome.
Sometimes heat exhaustion, an extreme sunburn or certain inflammatory conditions such as temporal arteritis - inflammation of an artery in your head - may trigger fever as well.
Heat cellulites viscera when Chilliness with fever, mouth thirst, depressed.
Expel wind to relieve exterior syndrome, clear away the heat and toxin. Indications: Cold due to exogenous wind-heat, marked by fever, cough and sore throat.
Other bloodsuckers like bedbugs produce heat shock proteins too-as do we, during a fever.
其他吸血动物如臭虫也能产生热休克蛋白质- - -我们发烧时也一样。
The cause of postoperative fever, especially postoperative damp-heat, in the cases of craniotomy was studied by investigating the TCM symptoms in the peri operative period.
When a fever starts and your body tries to elevate its temperature, you feel chilly and may shiver to generate heat.
In contrast to fever, the body's temperature rises uncontrollably and the body is not able to dissipate the heat.
Objective:To observe the connexion of sodium pump activity in erythrocyte membrane of mice pattern between heat of excess type and fever of deficiency type and energy metabolism change of functional.
Objective:To observe the connexion of sodium pump activity in erythrocyte membrane of mice pattern between heat of excess type and fever of deficiency type and energy metabolism change of functional.