Melt spinning tester, Pilot fiber plant, Filament trial equipment.
The reclamation of lightly polluted effluent in pulp and viscose fiber plant is discussed.
The CIMS of Lanhua Chemical Fiber Plant is a project of 863/CIMS application popularization program.
The application of water treatment chemical ZH442MS in acid addition cooling water system of chemical fiber plant is described.
介绍了ZH442 MS水处理药剂在化纤加酸循环水系统的应用情况。
The key to the question of making the Chemical Fiber Plant meet the environmental protection target is to treat the effluent from terephthalic acid and polyester equipment.
Briefly introduce the design of hardware in the fiber plant spinbath station and recovery using MICRO TDC-3000 to indicate and control, and simply introduce it's superiority.
简要介绍了化纤厂酸站和回收装置采用MICROTDC-3000 进行监控的硬件设计,并概述了其优越性。
A tropical Asian annual herb(Abutilon theophrasti) naturalized in the United States, having large, velvety, heart-shaped leaves and yellow flowers. It is an important fiber plant in northern China.
Plant-based foods provide fiber, while animal products don't.
Intestinal gas is typically caused by the fermentation of undigested food, such as plant fiber, in the colon.
Higher protein diets based on plant proteins like beans, lentils, and nuts are not only lower in fat and sodium, but they're higher in dietary fiber.
Rotate more high soluble fiber foods like nuts, grains, fruits, plant matter (vegetables), beans, and oats into your diet.
Most of the fiber and water in the plant-based meal is calorie-free and would be excreted out, NOT turned into extra body fat.
So you'd feel satiated, but you still be dieting because you are controlling your caloric intake with these plant-based foods that are high in both fiber and water.
Prevent diabetes:Konjac plant fiber was medical evidence of increased blood insulin and lower blood glucose control, supporting the prevention and treatment of diabetes has an excellent effect.
But while cotton accounts for nearly 40% of the fiber used worldwide to make clothing, there's one thing the plant has never been able to do well: feed people.
They're chock full of vitamin e, plant sterols, fiber, and heart-healthy fats.
Plant fiber is still the mainstream material which is used in cone speakers.
Changed: : Plant fiber hat now craft able and provides cooling.
In broad terms, any plant with fiber all the raw materials can be used for paper, but not all plants in nature can be used to manufacture paper-wide.
The plant fiber film is a kind of new film made from reed or crop straw.
The results show that the porosity of plant fiber is the main intensity factor, and followed is the perforation of the configuration forms, and size of perforation is independent.
The effects of matrix structure and interface situation on properties of plant fiber cement-based composite materials with steel slag were studied.
Characteristics of the sheet blending plant fiber and chrome-containing leather waste dealt with chemo-mechanical disposal were investigated.
Tropical plant fiber is a kind of natural renewable resource.
However, only the formation of cross-cutting plant fiber paper, there is a non-uniform density distribution, the surface is not smooth, highly absorbent and so on, can not be used in the printing.
Spades a germinal main series of products and dietary fiber, Bifidobacterium, soy isoflavones, black beans and plant Insulin Pill series of health food.
The milling steel fiber concrete used for the grounds of plant and store house of Samson Controlling Equipment (China) has achieved obvious economical and social benefits.
The milling steel fiber concrete used for the grounds of plant and store house of Samson Controlling Equipment (China) has achieved obvious economical and social benefits.