They then sent a current through it so that the coil was magnetised in a way which mimicked Earth's electromagnetic field.
A coil of wire rotating in a magnetic field produces a current.
Ignition coil primary winding. Current flow through the coil produces an electromagnetic field, which is used to induce a high voltage in the secondary coil.
When direct current flows through a coil a magnetic field will be built up round the coil.
According to the basic principle of alternative current field measurement (ACFM), the alternative current field sensor was designed, which was made up of drive coil and induction coil.
The field on the TF coil is resolved into the normal and tangential components, the eddy current induced by two field components can be determined.
The oscillatory current flowing in the coil produces an oscillating magnetic field.
Because the length of the power coil designed is longer than that of the GMM pole, magnetic symmetry is kept well and a higher intensity of magnetic field is obtained under the same current.
That is we make animation file when you put the current to the coil of the field, getting established magnetic field.
When direct current flows through a coil, a magnetic field will be built up round the coil.
When the current begins to rise from zero toward its peak value, a magnetic field is created around the choke coil.
As the magnetic field collapses around the choke coil it induces a current back into the coil.
As the magnetic field collapses around the choke coil it induces a current back into the coil.
The current intensity of variations will produce self-induction when a closed coil moves in magnetic field. Must be attended to the contribution of the current by self-induction to total current.
When the current begins to rise from zero toward its peak value, a magnetic field is created around the choke coil.
According to simplifying rule of force system, the force suffered by a coil carrying current in magnetic field, can be summed up to a resultant of magnetic forces and a total moment of magnetic force.
A current-carrying coil in non-uniform magnetic field is subjected to magnetic force and magnetic moment, it commits rotation other than translation.
The method includes the following steps: exerting alternating current on the coil to generate an alternating magnetic field;
该方法包括 对线圈施加交流电以产生交变磁场;
The method includes the following steps: exerting alternating current on the coil to generate an alternating magnetic field;
该方法包括 对线圈施加交流电以产生交变磁场;