So, knowledge discovery and data mining are proposed with a new study field developed.
Yaha field is the largest integrated condensate gas field developed by the cyclic gas injection with high pressure.
Computer Telephone Integration (CTI) is a technical field developed in these years, and has been widely applied in the service industries currently.
Study on traditional Chinese agricultural civilization is a study field developed in recent years, and there have appeared some study accumulation and achievement.
There are plans for it to be further developed and then possibly deployed into the field of nursing.
If existing XML tools or technologies are similar to the non-XML data processing logic to be developed, you might take an opportunity to XMLize and bridge the non-XML data into the XML field.
There are plans for it to be further developed and then possibly deployed into the field of nursing。
It is not uncommon for projects to be developed at headquarters in one country, but not welcomed at the field level in another.
Scientists have developed an underwater biological laboratory that can identify DNA fragments in minutes, saving researchers the trouble of going into the field to retrieve samples.
Most MRAMs that are now being developed write data by applying the magnetic field generated by a current running through a wire near a tunneling magnetoresistive element to change the magnetization.
There was, however, one small hitch: the superconducting wires required create a magnetic field have never been developed.
The organization has also developed an online tracking system that traces organic cotton’s journey through the entire supply chain, from the field to the store rack.
Now a development economist — that's Santosh's field — development economics is a very important field in economics that is helping less developed countries emerge.
MOLLE is the primary field equipment system developed by and for the U.S. Army and each set incorporates a load-bearing vest, pockets, backpacks and a hydration system.
When they had once got it by heart the sheep developed a great liking for this maxim, and often as they lay in the field they would all start bleating ‘Four legs good, two legs bad!
The field took off about 10 years ago, after physicists developed mathematical models to explain some of the network phenomena sociologists had observed.
The methods of risk management in the field of economy have been well developed, and the theory of risk management is also becoming complete and perfect.
Western developed countries(regions) has established a perfect system for the qualification of the company representative, company law theory has become an important research field.
The CMMI-3 of training field was first brought and developed.
目前首先引进和开发了培训领域的CMMI - 3标准。
Turning his intellectual searchlight on his own field, Mr Deutsch rails against the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum physics developed by Niels Bohr and others during the 1920s.
This was validated and a more consistent model was developed by incorporating dynamic field data.
Through hardworking of our team, we have set up our own brand step by step in the Southeast Asian Marine field and developed good relationship with owners and shippers.
For a century, the study field of educational psychology has now developed into the stage of the combination of learning and teaching from the initial stage of learning perfect gradually.
We focused on putting together field trials, and protecting the intellectual property of the technology we had developed, which we called the Radio Camera system.
In some cases, jointly developed the economic aspects of the plan can be modified in the contract of guarantee clause or field service terms.
In the developed CCD image sensor system, real-time collecting and disposing the welding temperature field image is realized by means of using the method of colorimetric temperature measure.
In the developed CCD image sensor system, real-time collecting and disposing the welding temperature field image is realized by means of using the method of colorimetric temperature measure.