Field enumeration integrity for bounded types.
Embedded statements are not allowed in constant expressions, such as the value of an enumeration constant, the width of a bit-field, or the initial value of a static variable.
For fields that store combinable enumerations, the individual enumeration values are treated as groups of bits in the field.
Unless this is so, the Boolean logical operators will not be able to extract the individual enumeration values that are stored in the field.
In this paper, enumeration problems in the orthogonal geometry over a finite field with characteristic 2 are studied, and an enumeration theorem is proved.
For a bit field to store and retrieve combined enumeration values correctly, each value that is defined in the enumeration must be a power of two.
The canonical enumeration of chemical structures has been broadly used as a kind of information index for chemical bibliography since computer entered into use in the field of chemistry.
To test a bit field to determine whether a specific enumeration value is present, use the Boolean logical operators.
To test a bit field to determine whether a specific enumeration value is present, use the Boolean logical operators.