He grew a different crop on the same field five years in a row, what researchers call crop rotation.
Their reason is that if there is no road, their bumper crop will just rot in the field.
Involving farmer groupings in the management of the new pumping and water control systems means that water gets to the right field at the right time, thus boosting crop yields and farmers' incomes.
In the centre of the field the wheat is abundant, yielding 10 tonnes a hectare, one of the highest rates in the world for a commercial crop.
If there is no road, they reason, their bumper crop will just rot in the field.
Why plant it if the crop is just going to rot in the field?
This Firefox crop circle sprouted up in a corn field in Oregon, but its origins are no mystery.
An extraordinary crop circle based on the 'world's most beautiful maths theorem' has appeared in a field next to a windmill in Wiltshire.
In crop estimations, the effect of selecting one specific part of a field over another.
A 100ft circle was captured by crop circle authority Lucy Pringle in a field of oil seed rape near Silbury Hill, Wiltshire, on May 3.
The continual rain rotted the crop in the field.
My reference was when Cary Grant runs in the crop field in North by Northwest.
Remote sensing technology is macroscopical, precise and dynamical. Its application in the estimate to the production of crop is a hot field in remote sensing and agriculture.
They often change the kind of crop in each field every few years, for example, growing corn or wheat and then the next year peas or soybeans.
Experts are proposing planting the trees in rows just like any field crop.
Castor is an important oil crop, and castor oil extracted from its seeds is widely used in every field as industrial chemicals.
The invention belongs to the field of food development, and relates to the application of Abelmoschus manihot crop in food production.
On the base of validating the model, the application of the model in practice was discussed, especially the application in the field of predicting crop potential production.
Soil erosion is greatly affected by artificial interference and farming intensity. The amount of soil erosion in hillside field system increases 20 times from natural protection to crop cultivation.
In simulating crop growth, ORYZA rice-growth model was selected and some parameters were modified by field experiment.
About a fifth of each annual watermelon crop is left in the field because of surface blemishes or because they are misshapen.
The special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same field.
In the greenhouse, by conducting pot and field experiments, the diagnosis method of crop moisture content from variable differential in stem diameter of tomato was studied.
In the greenhouse, by conducting pot and field experiments, the diagnosis method of crop moisture content from variable differential in stem diameter of tomato was studied.