The number "23,456" can be read as "twenty-three thousand, four hundred and fifty-six".
Fifty years later the European Economic Community has changed out of all recognition, having metamorphosed into the European Union and grown far beyond the original six members.
Almost at the same instant with the children, another couple approached the great basin. They consisted of a goodman, about fifty years of age, who was leading by the hand a little fellow of six.
Fifty-six percent (56%) oppose the reductions in Medicare spending, a figurethat includes 70% of those over 65.
They imported a chariot from Egypt for six hundred shekels of silver, and a horse for a hundred and fifty.
During the twenty-five days spent on "The Shame of the Sun, " he sold hack-work to the extent of six dollars and fifty cents.
Add the thirty francs for rent, and the thirty-six francs to the old woman, plus a few trifling expenses; for four hundred and fifty francs, Marius was fed, lodged, and waited on.
加上三十法郎房租,三十六法郎给那老妇人,再加上一点零用,一共四百五十法郎,马吕斯便有吃有住有人服侍了。 外面衣服得花费他一百法郎,换洗衣服五十法郎,洗衣费五十法郎。
Just fifty years later, South Korea's was five times Egypt's and six times Syria's.
The union had a rulebook with fifty-six pages of what workers called “legislation” limiting the power of employers.
In one hour it can shell about fifty-six kilograms of peanuts.
Fifty-six days have passed since LBJ's decision to take his talents to South Beach, but the following question still looms in my mind.
从詹姆斯决定将他的才华带到“南海滨”(South Beach)到现在,已经过去五十六天了,但是下面的疑问任然隐约的出现在我的脑海里。
E: Due to non-interest income of fifty-six million dollars.
That decision came on November thirteenth, nineteen fifty-six, almost a year after Missus Parks's arrest.
Fifty-six percent of those surveyed said they neither support nor oppose the two-month-old movement and 59 percent said they didn’t know enough to form an opinion about its goals.
Six-hundred-and-fifty-six people staring him—or the image of them staring at him—made him want to flee.
The apples weigh six jin. Let's take them fifty-fifty.
Four hundred and fifty pupils, aged between just six and 12, were here when the quake hit yesterday at 2.28pm.
Fifty total documents are generated in an average six-hour run, one per iteration, and an additional one every other iteration.
Fifty-six per cent of those polled expect the situation to either deteriorate or stay the same in the next year.
E: Yes, our non-interest income increases from forty-six million in 1993 to fifty-six million dollars at the end of the fiscal year 1994.
爱:是啊,我们的非利息收入从1993年的4600万美元增长到1994年底的5 600万美元。
The mortality rate of children under five is sixty-six per thousand in India compared with fifty-two in Bangladesh.
The Smithsonian's show includes fifty-six public works paintings. They are organized by different subjects such as Nature, Leisure, Industry, and the City.
By then one hundred and fifty-six men in the fleet had died of starvation, cold, and the flux and they were eating the calfskin that covered the ropes.
Fifty-six % of dog owners say they'll buy their pets a gift this Christmas, but only 48 % of cat owners plan a gift.
The fifty-six national feelings.
China has fifty-six nationalities, each nation has its own unique music, you've heard a Mongolian People's racing scene depicting Erhu it?
China, having the same land area as America, inhabits fifty-six distinctive ethnic groups.
China, having the same land area as America, inhabits fifty-six distinctive ethnic groups.