We should take some comfort from the ability of the judicial system to fight back against corruption.
He ducked the first few blows then started to fight back.
In studying these outbreaks, scientists have discovered that affected trees fight back by releasing toxic chemicals, mainly phenols, into their foliage.
Frustrated by these restrictions, Subra left her job in 1981, created her own company, and has devoted the past two decades to helping people fight back against giant industrial polluters.
Confucius got very upset, but he was a kind gentle boy and did not fight back.
Beaten up by furious politicians, and urged by investors to fight back, it has drafted new rules that should apply from the end of this year.
Fight back Tell retailers, through letters and feedback, that their advertising strategies are losing them business.
Our new reality of modern life is that the public also sent text messages to relatives trapped in hotels and used the Internet to try and fight back.
Now we are dealing with a country that has suffered a collapse of empire. And a significant part of the Russian elite feels the time has come to fight back.
And a significant part of the Russian elite feels the time has come to fight back.
Trying to fight back, Mr. Fukuda overhauled his cabinet a month ago, and appointed a number of new ministers in key positions such as finance and economy.
This was a constant battle with myself and one that I am only just recently learning to counteract and fight back against.
To fight back, more brands are turning to authentication devices into their merchandise.
Part of the fight-back will include tracking lions fitted with radio collars in the Amboseli area in southern Kenya, close to the border with Tanzania.
But frustrated users fight back in online forums.
The American Cancer Society offers many programs and services that can help you stay well, get well, find cures, and fight back.
Republicans and conservatives always fight back against proposals to raise taxes on corporations and rich individuals by making two basic claims.
At last week's Digital Hollywood meeting in Santa Monica, California, the question on a lot of people's lips was how to fight back.
The EPA will certainly be a prime target, and it's still unclear how hard Obama will fight back on this issue.
Ronnie shook his head and chested up to the kid. "Fight back or it'll get worse," he ordered.
Better labelling has become an important weapon of the food giants’ armoury as they fight back against their critics.
Always start by shooting things that fight back! Thus your initial targets in each new infested area should be any Spine Crawlers you encounter.
To fight back, Wal-Mart is again emphasizing low prices and adding back thousands of products it had culled in an overzealous bid to clean up stores.
He feels a sense of injustice about the world and it's time for him to fight back.
Such is the extent of “shareholder enhancements”—share-boosting measures that increase debt on the balance sheet—that irate bondholders have begun to fight back.
这就是愤怒的债券持有人已经开始反击的“股东增强”的扩展。 所谓股东增强也就是那些在资产负债表中增加负债以使每股获利更大的措施。
The worst thing you can do is try to ignore it, she says, because anxiety tends to fight back if you push it down.
The worst thing you can do is try to ignore it, she says, because anxiety tends to fight back if you push it down.