The details for the movement in Figure 5 show that you will apply power equally to both ports.
The role of the data-movement functions is shown in Figure 4 as it relates to the types involved for copy (simple vs. aggregate).
当数据移动函数的规则涉及到复制调用的类型时(简单VS.聚集),这些函数的作用如图4 所示。
The first piece is the sensor middleware (see (1) in Figure 2) that will have to integrate with the sensor and the actuation devices to collect the information about product movement.
第一个部分是传感器中间件(见图2中的 (1)),它必须与收集产品转移信息的传感器和实际设备集成。
Instead, scientists will have to figure out how to block movement in select locations, like in the extra-cellular matrix around growing tumors.
Deep soft snow (if movement is necessary, make snowshoes [Figure II-10]). Travel is easier in early morning or late afternoon near dusk when snow is frozen or crusted.
又深又软的雪地(如果必须前行的话,按照图ii - 10的方式制作雪鞋)。雪在清晨或傍晚时分开始冻结,选择这个时间段,前行比较容易。
Lessig is a law professor at Stanford University and a prominent figure in the free software movement.
Trained as a painter, Wong was a leading figure in the modernist movement that flourished in California between the wars.
Their dad, Gregg, a well-known figure in the American homeschool movement, delivered one.
Walter Pater was a very important figure in this movement; he introduced the aesthetic ideas to England and also spread those ideas through his works.
BinXin is a representative figure of "small poetry movement" in the history of Chinese new poetry. The poems created by her mainly praise "philosophy of love".
Charles Robert Ashbee (1863-1942) was a major figure in the Arts and Crafts Movement.
In the first winter sports added to the 1908 Olympic Games, was figure skating movement.
As a novelist, poet, political activist, and painter, Victor Hugo was a central figure in the Romantic movement of 19th-century France.
As a novelist, poet, political activist, and painter, Victor Hugo was a central figure in the Romantic movement of 19th-century France.