If you do not carefully control who has write access to the file system, a user can subvert the product security controls (such as auditing) by simply hand editing the configuration files.
Note that in the vast majority of file systems, all of the control and intelligence is implemented within the kernel's file system source itself.
This allows you to establish fine-grained access control for file system objects and support inheritance features.
However, this is not necessarily a security concern since the file system access control mechanism usually provides sufficient protection.
Because a version control system does not store each new version in its entirety, it requires less disk space for data storage than a standard file system.
The requirement is to deploy the maps on the execution group rather than on the file system, because deploying maps on the file system causes version control problems.
An online policy is used for encrypting data written to a file system and protecting data with access control.
Some commands manipulate the file system, while others query and control the operating system itself.
Building a model structure and implementing the file-control system is simply the first part of establishing an enterprise architecture repository.
The root user can control every process, access every file, and perform any function on the system.
We chose Eclipse because it provides a common development platform in which to collaborate with excellent project file management, local revision history, and an integrated revision control system.
For a large organization, you may have hundreds of copies of the same Utility JAR file throughout the version control system.
Query Options File (QAQQINI) — the OPTIMIZATION_GOAL option can be specified with one of the following values to control the optimization goal for the entire system or a specific connection (job).
QueryOptionsFile (QAQQINI)——可以通过将OPTIMIZATION _ GOAL选项指定为以下几个值之一,来控制整个系统或一个特定连接(任务)的优化目标。
The only possible downside of using XMLUnit for difference testing is that the tests will rely on a file system to load the control document.
使用 XMLUnit 进行差异测试所存在的惟一缺点是测试会依赖于文件系统来加载控制文档。
Subversion (SVN) is an open source version control system that facilitates storage, access, and parallel development of source, scripts, binaries, and other file types.
Subversion (SVN)是一种开源的版本控制系统,它为源文件、脚本、二进制文件和其它文件类型的存储、访问和并行开发提供便利。
These can be references to the file system, class path, source code control system, or Web URLs.
Since the ClearCase version control system has file system capabilities, the Tivoli software distribution sees the versioned artifacts as part of the standard file system.
Subversion is a new open source, version control system that supports database and file-system repositories that can be accessed locally or over the network.
While this is an unusual operation (after all the purpose of a version control system is to keep every revision of every file forever), sometimes it's necessary.
Depending on the implementation tool, this control is provided by a database, a file-control system, or a file version-control system.
Whether the security of operating system is determining directly safety of information, thus the control for in system resource use and file system safe become more and more important.
Set up file system on fire prevention, locate critical parts for fire control safety, set up fire prevention marks and exercise strict administration;
Of course the underlying operating system might decide to speculatively read data when the file is opened, to save time later, but that's outside your control so in effect it doesn't matter.
A file storage, control: on the basis of quality manual and procedure requirements, developed the system and post responsibility, basic file in place, the future need to be perfected ceaselessly.
In this paper the software for the information processing system of Chinese characters is introduced. It includes monitor, text editing, file management, print control, data retrieval etc.
Note: Our company provides the upgrade of old-styled business file folder machine, increase the auto metal clip device and computer auto control system.
You check this file in to your version control system when you check in the other files that compose your database project.
If so, you must protect the directory containing these files, using code access security or an access Control List in the file system, as appropriate.
A unique fully customizable boot time defrag interface gives you full control over every single system file and where you want them to go.
A topic of current interest is to use a file retrieval and an instant access control system easily in online-access (OA) system.