The -R sets the remote file copy program to be used by GPFS.
This is a small file copy tool, we can see, I think there must be useful.
The success of file copy makes the HD player more perfect as a multimedia server.
The yellow document is then attached to the shippers file copy of the shipping manifest.
Unable to open file copy directly, may cause the inside of the clipboard contents very much.
It provides several operations defined by the POSIX. 1 standard, including those necessary for the file copy.
在符合POSIX .1标准的基础上定义了操作接口,包括构成拷贝功能的必须操作。
When the backup has finished, transfer the backup file using your favorite file copy utility from the old server to the new server.
You can also pause and resume file copy operations, so if you lose network connectivity at any point, you can just pick up where you left off.
Because file transfer is standard technology, I won't go into detail except to say that the client downloads a file copy of the service profile data in Listing 1.
As long as you have a control file copy, however, you can shut down your database and re-create the failed control file from the copy, then restart your database.
While your personal computer only keeps one copy of a file, large-scale services like Facebook rely on what are called content delivery networks to manage data and distribution.
虽然你的个人电脑只能保存一个文件的一个副本,但像Facebook 这样的大型服务项目,则会依赖于所谓的内容分发网络来管理数据和分发。
So, with the failure groups defined above, each half contains one copy of the file system.
After you are sure that all of the Settings in the file are correct, copy the file to each server in the cluster.
By this stage, you should have a new file system that contains a copy of the file system or directory that you are moving to a new file system.
From the file system, copy the new script from the local project directory into the directory of server connected project.
So that you do not lose the original file, make a copy of the original for safekeeping.
But maybe you do want to create a spare volume group on the source LPAR and create a file system and copy data to it.
Like most databases, you can't just copy the file, because the copy might become corrupted.
As long as the source and target types are the same, you can copy a mapping from one file to another using copy and paste.
You can view the latest status on a file, copy them and sort files included in a workspace based on date, username, filename or page.
At this point, you can stop the daemon (which eliminates the FD and, hence, the deleted file), copy the temporary file to where it is expected, and then restart the daemon.
Copy the file onto server where you wish to install fap.
将文件jre . zip复制到您希望安装FAP到其上的服务器。
Copy the.jar file to the Plugins folder of your Eclipse installation.
将. jar文件复制到Eclipse安装所在的Plugins文件夹中。
Copy this file and paste it into the folder C: \ PHP \ ext.
复制该文件并将其粘贴到文件夹c: \php \ ext。
In past releases of WebSphere Commerce, you had to manually copy file assets to the new machines.
After you download and open the compressed file, copy the Aptana Jaxer folder to your hard drive.
In Notes development, we typically go to the help file and copy and paste the relevant code.
In Notes development, we typically go to the help file and copy and paste the relevant code.