The final file descriptor is write-only and refers to /var/run/
最后一个文件描述符是只写的,并且指向 /var/run/。
fd is the file descriptor, a pointer to the file. For this example, use the following
Open the SCSI generic device file (such as sg1) to get the file descriptor of SCSI device.
This system call requires the file descriptor from shm_open and returns a pointer to memory.
At the top is the open file object, which is referenced by a process's file descriptor list.
You can then continue to access it within your program by passing around the file descriptor.
The pollset interface can perform best when the file descriptor set is not frequently updated.
You should never see any output from STDOUT (file descriptor 1) or STDERR (file descriptor 2).
By using leasing on the file descriptor, you take a lease with the kernel on a particular file.
It maintains the file descriptor state on the requested file descriptor set across system calls.
In some cases, you can also map a file descriptor to a plain file or another device into memory.
shm_unlink(): Deletes a shared memory region given a file descriptor (returned from shm_open()).
You later discovered that lsof shows the file descriptor of a process and the associated file name.
在随后的内容中,您看到了 lsof 可以显示进程的文件描述符和相关的文件名。
These events can be things like timers, signals, data ready for reading on a file descriptor, and so on.
After you wait for some amount of time, you start over again by repeatedly reading each file descriptor.
For every open() call, there will be exactly one release() call with the same flags and file descriptor.
对于每个open()调用来说,都必须有一个使用完全相同标记和文件描述符的release() 调用。
Is the system call that creates an inotify instance and returns a file descriptor referring to the instance.
After user foo logs in to AIX, run the limit command to verify that his file descriptor limit is set to 1000.
A file descriptor is an integer that refers to an open file or device, and it is used for reading and writing.
After user foo logs in to AIX, run the ulimit command to verify that his file descriptor limit is set to 1500.
Finally, a number refers to the application's file descriptor, which is an integer returned upon opening the file.
The file descriptor used by inotify is obtained using a system call and does not have an associated device or file.
Inotify 所使用的文件描述符可以通过系统调用获得,并且没有相关设备或者文件。
Take, for example, the read function call, which allows some number of bytes to be read from a given file descriptor.
The first parameter fildes is the open file descriptor returned from the function open , referring to a specific device.
The next unused file descriptor is returned if the call is successful; otherwise, -1 is returned and errno is set accordingly.
如果调用成功,返回下一个未使用的文件描述符;否则,返回 -1并相应地设置errno。
The file descriptor returned by a successful call will be the lowest-numbered file descriptor not currently open for the process.
The pollset interface creates and maintains a file descriptor set and its interested events in the native (kernel) pollset layer.
pollset接口在本机(内核)pollset 层中创建并维护一个文件描述符集和感兴趣的事件。
It also decreases the likelihood that a maintainer will insecurely use the file name (they need to use the file descriptor instead).
The logical file system is also responsible for managing the kernel's open file table and the per process file descriptor information.
Unlike poll(), the pollset interface does not require the selector to copy the entire file descriptor set each time when select() is called.
与poll() 不同,pollset接口并不要求选择器在每次调用 select()时复制整个文件描述符集。