The reports with a file extension of .rptdesign are BIRT reports.
文件扩展名为 .rptdesign的报告是BIRT 报告。
This file extension is associated with the MTF mapping rules editor.
The Output File extension specifies the file extension of the output files.
Adds site admin section to configure the file extension to MIME-type mapping.
Sets the file extension associated with the document type for this forms application.
Establishes an interface for file extension search patterns for discoverable file types.
If you have already saved a preset in a.wff file extension, go to the file menu to import it.
如果已经以. wff文件扩展名保存了一个预设置,那么可以转到File菜单来导入它。
By a file extension commonly used for scripts in that language, such as.rb for a Ruby script.
通过该语言脚本共同使用的文件扩展名,比如说ruby脚本的. rb。
A file extension of .gsp is a dead giveaway, as is the copious use of tags that begin with <g:.
文件扩展名 .gsp 就是一种很明显的方法,就好像很多以
You can specify more than one file extension by separating the extensions with a semicolon.
The href attribute is set to the name of the TOC file and the file extension is set to "ditamap".
href属性设置为TOC文件的文件名,扩展名设为 “ditamap”。
The WSBind file will be created with a file extension of wsbind, which is in binary EBCDIC format.
将创建一个文件扩展名为wsbind 的 WSBind 文件,它为二进制EBCDIC格式。
They're traditional characters by day, but they also serve as file extension markers by night.
If the filename attribute is populated, the file extension is pulled off and converted to uppercase.
This latter entry will associate the new editor with all files with a file extension of .html or .htm.
后一个条目将把新的编辑器与具有 .html或 .htm文件扩展名的所有文件关联起来。
Google seems to determine file type by file extension, only including files ending in.xml,.rdf and.rss.
Google似乎是通过文件扩展来决定文件类型的,这些文件扩展只包括以. xml、。rdf和. rss为后缀的文件。
Web applications are built from OSGi modules that are packaged in an archive file with an.eba file extension.
这些web应用程序从一些OSGi模块构建,这些模块打包在一个带有. eba文件扩展名的存档文件中。
Later I'll show how to invoke those modes automatically, based on the file extension of the file being edited.
You can change the file extension to.html and view it with a Web browser to convert the HTML special entities.
Visual Studio recognizes the VSIX file extension, extracts and installs the files in it to the right location.
Enter or select the Destination for the Web project, confirming the.war file extension, and then click Finish.
A module can be deployed as an archive file, and Axis2 came up with a new file extension for module called.mar.
The file extension does not match the input file extension. Do you want to revert to the original extension?
Save this file with a name that will make sense for the recipient, and change the file extension from TXT to NDL.
IIS first checks which ISAPI extension can serve this request. Depending on file extension the request is processed.
The resource handlers should have the same name as the resource models but a.groovy rather than.json file extension.
资源处理程序应该与资源模型同名,但其文件扩展名为.groovy而不是. json。
After creating a new file with a.htm or.html file extension (or importing such a file), open it with the new editor.
在创建具有. html或. htm文件扩展名的新文件(或导入这样的文件)之后,再使用新的编辑器来打开它。
Even if the file extension of the ODF document is not correct, you can easily identify the document type by extracting this file.
即使OD f文档的文件扩展名不正确,也可以通过提取这个文件轻松地判断出文档类型。
This data definition file is a tab-separated text file, with a.ttx file extension (TTX), that is an outline of a table structure.
This data definition file is a tab-separated text file, with a.ttx file extension (TTX), that is an outline of a table structure.