Users hate the "404 - File Not Found" error, and XM must reduce those.
Otherwise, a trap occurs for find, and the exception handler emits the standard file not found error.
否则,发生中断以find(查找),并且异常处理程序发出标准的file not found(文件未找到)错误。
An exception is a signal that some sort of exceptional condition, such as a "file not found" error, has occurred.
异常像是一种异常情况时软件发出的信号例如“File not found”错误的发生。
On top of this we want to have a nice looking page when there is a 404 (file not found); for this we will use Plack: : Middleware: : ErrorDocument.
The second attribute indicates that although the object is cacheable, the test.js file was not found in the Akamai cache so it was delivered from our data center.
第二个属性表明,尽管 test.js文件是可缓存的,但是在Akamai缓存中没有找到它,所以要从我们的数据中心交付它。
In Listing 10, the file emptyfile was found, so test returned 0; the file badfilename was not found, so 1 was returned.
The code begins by defining the name of the Gnumeric file, followed by a trap that exits PHP if the file is not found.
这段代码以定义一个Gnumeric 文件名开始,接着是一个trap,用于在不找到文件时退出PHP。
It will not return an error to standard output if the file is not found. One way to test the return of the command is to use substitution, like shown in Listing 8.
This command does not compile every file found in either of those hierarchies.
If an init file is not found, the kernel invokes the linuxrc file as its startup script.
If this file is found, Vim does not look for any subsequent configuration files or examine other environment variables.
If this file is found, vi and Vim do not look for any subsequent configuration files unless the exrc option is set in this configuration file.
If the license file is not found, the db2start command returns an SQL8000N error.
如果没有找到许可文件,db2start命令会返回SQL 8000n错误。
Repairing can display a message saying that a VirtualBox installation file could not be found.
If the IP is not found, or the byte threshold is less than that specified in the rules file, the inactive command is run.
Class not found errors displayed for your JSP file.
(or other file name set using the cxf.config.file.url system property); if you don't see the message, the file was not found and you need to look to your classpath to find the cause.
应该会看到消息INFO: Loadedconfigurationfile cxf . xml .(或者通过cxf . config . file . url系统属性设置的其他文件名);如果没有看到这个消息,就说明没有找到文件,需要检查类路径以查明原因。
The user interface scheme file was not found. Check your command line switches.
If the search term is not found, the function simply proceeds to read the next text line in the script file.
The required configuration file XX could not be found. Please reinstall the software or contact your Administrator.
The required configuration file "XX" could not be found. Please reinstall the software or contact your administrator.
The file containing the startup key could not be found on the disk. Please insert the correct disk.
An exception that is thrown when a file is not found may be considered an error in one scenario, but may not represent an error in another.
If the required configuration file is not found, application should be able to create one with default values.
Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. you might need to reinstall or restore this file.
Sorry! The file you want to download is not found, or maybe it's been updated, please try again later or try other download links.
The file {0}, required to recover the portal sites was not found.
The required configuration file XX could not be found.
The required configuration file XX could not be found.