Create a label when you create a file system, like the root, swap, or other file systems.
The swap space is not shown as a part of the file system, but is handled by the kernel.
Generally, swap space is allocated as a chunk of disk, separate from the file system, so that its use is as fast as possible.
Secure file sharing locks down the entire contents of a laptop, desktop, external drive, or USB flash drive, including boot sectors, system, and swap files.
If net is specified, the operating system will first copy the binary image from the network to a swap file and load it from there.
During the procedure, the DXF-file was used as a swap file to form acoher ent flow frow the original drawing to the 3-D movie which was used in the multimedia training system and courseware.
During the procedure, the DXF-file was used as a swap file to form acoher ent flow frow the original drawing to the 3-D movie which was used in the multimedia training system and courseware.