Taking macroarea filled soil on alluvial flat after compaction as subgrade for building is very few.
Then we filled them with soil.
They filled the holes with the good soil .
Somewhere the depth of turf bed could be measured to 10 meters; the deepest places of this glacier lake remained filled with water while highlands grew into small islands with tight and strong soil.
Some plants would control pests and soil quality naturally, and humans helped by rotating their crops; if extra fertilizer was needed, manure usually filled in.
The first basin would be filled with soil and a drain would be located at the bottom to allow leach of nutrients.
These are then filled with soil, and rice seedlings, that are watered through a hose that also doubles as a belt that goes around the wearer's waist。
The area largely known today as North beach was an actual beach, filled in with soil years ago.
I wanted to write something about the gorgeous colors, the air filled with the fragrance of soil, or the ethereal chirping of birds.
Vegetables such as gourds and beans are grown in plastic containers filled with soil.
The starch filled plastic agricultural film was developed to reduce the soil and environment pollution through biodegradation.
The surface is uneven and crumbly, so it allows soil or sand be filled in by 90%.
In order to the foundation design and construction of the project, some high protruding area are dug up, while low concave area filled with soil are treated by dynamic compaction.
Based on the railway and highway bridge and tunnel design standards, the loading calculations of the soil filled on the top of culvert are introduced and compared, and the more reasonable calc...
The result shows that owing to the effects of the grain and mineral composition et al. , the characteristics of foundation filled with tailings possesses the specialty other than that of natural soil.
Then soil is filled again, and at the same time, the soil is treaded down, until it is as high as the ground.
An influent quality experiment of artificial soil rapid infiltrations ystem has been conducted by using both soil column and pilot-scale plant filled with artificial soil.
Then base on equal time-interval GM (1,1) model, and take the variation of embankment load into consideration, a modified GM (1,1) model is put forward for embankment filled with uniform ground soil.
Rivers, lakes, and underground reserves of water are being filled in and poisoned by soil and chemicals carried by drainage from eroding fields.
Based on the successful application of the soil stabilizer in the roadbed engineering, the paper introduced the soil stabilizer to the mine tailings filled system to cement the high clay tailings.
Practice show that soil-nail wall suits the excavation filled with deep thick stuff soil very well. It is very remarkable in technique-economic effect.
Mosaicultures have been unique plant plastic arts which are usually based on some shapes, used iron material as their skeletons, and then filled with cultivation soil.
The similarity rule of similar model of filled-soil side wall (slope) by Emori Ichiros similar model theory is established and verified.
The big craters are then filled up with city waste and covered up with a layer of soil and vegetation acclimatized to local conditions.
While there, his friends gave him a silver goblet filled with Polish soil.
Magnitude and distribution of vertical earth pressure on the top of culverts and their changes with soil-filled height;
Magnitude and distribution of vertical earth pressure on the top of culverts and their changes with soil-filled height;