Also preferred is, that the elements of a filter unit are coupled like a star.
The sediment pre-filter is used to prevent dirt and sediment particles from entering and clogging the main filter unit.
Presents the operating principle of some critical components such as chilled water mixing station, fan filter unit and dry cooling coil.
The filter unit 60 is provided with a lint filter 61 and a duct communicating with an air outlet 46 and an air introduction opening 47 is formed.
过滤器单元中设有线屑过滤器 (61),并且设有与空气排出口(46)及空气导入口(47)相连通的管 道。
However, ultraviolet system must install proper beforehand, a carbon filter unit alone to the taste and smell of the problem, will only in usable power supply.
More preferably is, that the means for realizing are arranged as a filter unit, selected from the group comprising low-pass filter units, coupled to the IGBT-based switch.
It is a thin type of fan filter unit, like a screen. This unit has a distinctive function to prevent the infection being speared and to raise the cleanliness in local area.
Contacts on the filter unit and the field charging unit engage cooperating contacts on an enclosure mounted on the frame when the door is closed to supply electrical power.
FFU (Fan Filter unit) laminar flow wind delivery unit can be modularized, which is able to be widely used in clean rooms, clean benches, clean lines and assembling clean rooms.
Inside a clean room, MAU(make-up air unite) system, process exhaust system and FFU(fan filter unit) system are coordinated to meet the requirements of those clean room indicators.
The special video processing modules include a motion compensation unit (510), means (512) for performing IDCT and inverse quantization, an entropy decoding unit (513) and a filter unit (515).
专用视频处理模块包括运动补偿单元 (510)、用于执行IDCT和反量化的装置(512)、熵解码单元(513)以及过滤单元(515)。
In a scenario with multiple persistence units, the selection can be constrained by persistence unit name using an LDAP style filter.
In fact, each unit volume of fuel combustion, about 1 million to unit volume of air through the filter.
The pickup tube and filter are usually part of an assembly that also incorporates a fuel-tank unit.
The APU fuel system consist of a fuel valve, control unit, solenoid valve, filter, heater and control valve.
The vertical media collector is a modular filtration unit, typically used to filter mist, dust, smoke, fume, gas, and vapor.
In accordance with the problem on the skimmer, supply pump, magnetic filter during operation, the modifications of the emulsion system of CDCM unit are made.
针对本钢冷轧厂CD CM机组乳化液系统使用中,撇污装置、供给泵、磁性过滤装置存在的问题进行了改造。
Outdoor coldair goes through the filter directly into the computer room for refrigeration, and it is an integrated design for the unit, therefore, there is no need for outdoor machine.
This paper presents a new high speed FIR Filter structure which includes a unique multiplier adder unit.
The isbl of this hp hydrocracker unit will start at the unit filter feed vessel and conclude at product rundowns from the fractionation and the naphtha minus section.
The effects and economic benefits of using PE tube filter as the secondary unit for brine filtering was introduced.
This equipment is consisted of belt thickener dewatering unit and belt press filter.
The melt filter is the key equipment of polyester unit. Its domestication problem has not been solved.
The main fuel tank must have all the following: a filler tube, a ventilation system, fuel pickup tube and filter, plus a gauge-sending unit.
The filter operation optimization and technical transform of the wax deoiling unit in Daqing Refinery was introduced.
Filter is a key unit of adjacent frequency channel synthesizer and coupling problem is a key point in the design of a filter.
The analog filter is the important unit of modern measurement and control system, but the traditional method has a very tedious design process.
The second filter is housed in an adjustable holder (smaller diameter window) on this particular unit.
ACF filter is made of rough filter, filtering cylinder, clean component, and impulse automatic cleaning unit.
The trap based filter radiometer is a key unit of new optical radiometric standard detectors, and has potential applications in radiometric calibration of field, air borne and space borne sensors.