In one aspect, the method comprises reducing the level of reducing sugar in a food material before final heating (e. g., cooking).
Main factors such as final heating temperature, heating time, heating speed and particle size of raw material on dry distillation of oil shale at low temperature were examined.
The numerical result indicates that, the higher the final temperature of the specimens and the slower of the heating speed are, the bigger the error is.
The varying law of the final volatile yield of 18 different coal types was studied at different heating rates by thermobalance.
With the rise of heating rate, the maximum decompose rate and its corresponding temperatures of biomass increases, but the final agravic quotient decreases.
Guizhou Maotai has always been seen as a collective fund to support the final piece of FIG leaf, the funds are now no longer Baotuan heating, but to fight against each other.
The results show that the initial temperatures of SD-33 bonder are approximately same, the final (temperatures) increase with the increasing heating rate of TG curves.
结果表明,在不同升温速率的TG曲线上,SD - 33粘结剂热失重开始温度大致相同,而热失重结束温度随升温速率的增大而升高。
And thus, it lays a foundation for the final international adoption of the MCPVT method as a standard in evaluating the violence of self reactive substances in heating decomposition.
And thus, it lays a foundation for the final international adoption of the MCPVT method as a standard in evaluating the violence of self reactive substances in heating decomposition.