Girls have a growth spurt that slows down with the onset of their first period (for boys, weight and height come in the final stages of puberty).
A Web site that gives car-buying information to consumers, said there was an unusually large spurt of inquiries on its site and at dealers in the final days of December.
Utah came back with a 13-2 spurt to grab a 27-26 lead, but Golden State scored the final four of the first and widened the gap in the second by continuing to hit from long range.
犹他打回了一个13 - 2的小高潮,取得了27 - 26的领先,但金州勇士拿下了第一节的最后四分,并在第二节继续以长距投射进一步拉开距离。
Utah came back with a 13-2 spurt to grab a 27-26 lead, but Golden State scored the final four of the first and widened the gap in the second by continuing to hit from long range.
犹他打回了一个13 - 2的小高潮,取得了27 - 26的领先,但金州勇士拿下了第一节的最后四分,并在第二节继续以长距投射进一步拉开距离。