Each captive insurer is required to file a report of its financial condition to the Commissioner.
The balance sheet, also known as the statement of financial condition, basically tells you how much a company owns (its assets), and how much it owes (its liabilities).
You have to understand that the stock market spikes every time there is some fairly optimistic step of repair of Europe's financial condition.
The executives claim in the letter that the Regents had earlier agreed to remove the cap, but reneged because of the dire financial condition of the university and its pension fund.
Mr Valukas marshals plenty of evidence to back up his claim that "Lehman painted a misleading picture of its financial condition".
The value of a bond, note or other promise to pay depends on the financial condition of the promisor.
At 17, Daughter Sophie sprang her surprise engagement on him, and Freud only inquired with middle-class prudence about the young man's financial condition.
Many urban families in China are financially sub-fit, according to a China Merchants Bank's report on urban residents' financial condition in 2009.
The message is simple enough: America’s financial condition is a lot worse than advertised, and dumping it on future generations would be not only economically reckless but also immoral.[/align]
'Overly aggressive accounting can distort a company's true financial condition and mislead investors.'
Performing a credit check on the client to determine its financial condition is a safe practice to undertake at this point.
Senior executives said they needed to show steady improvements of the company's financial condition to reassure the public.
If supply exceeds demand, price and gross profit will fall down so quickly that the company's operation and financial condition will be affected.
Examples include large medical bills, the loss of financial aid or an unexpected change in the financial condition of their source of support.
Ultimately, how you feel about your life has nothing to do with the events in it or with your financial condition or what has (or hasn't) happened to you.
Romantic life has not so much relation to one's financial condition as to one's personality.
In western rural the financial condition is relatively poor. The investment in economy of Curriculum Resource has no advantage.
A snapshot of a business 'financial condition at a specific moment in time, usually at the close of an accounting period.
Unsecured loans are based on the borrower's integrity, financial condition, expected future income, and past record of repayment.
Balance sheet lists the corporate assets and balance sheet, which can show you the state of operation and financial condition of a company.
The Company's policy is promptly to disclose accurate and complete information regarding its business, financial condition and results of operations.
As an important carrier of accounting information, financial reporting provides accounting information about business financial condition, operating results and cash flows.
The extinction of enterprises with deficit, the replacement of bankruptcy and the improvement of financial condition are the typical forms of the particularity.
Scholars made a macroscopic study on the financial condition of the late Qing Dynasty from the horizontal and vertical angles.
Because of deficit financial condition, we almost had not left any solidified image in youth age.
Because of deficit financial condition, we almost had not left any solidified image in youth age.