Germany today extended its ban on naked short-selling - trading an asset that one does not own - on financial stocks to the rest of the market.
By then there was no way out - asset market collapse and financial system wipe-out were baked in the cake.
In addition to a massive release of liquidity to maintain financial market stability, the Bank has promised to double its asset-purchase plan, which will help absorb some of the additional debt.
Specific attention is given to present value and capitalbudgeting, risk and asset pricing, financial analysis and forecasting, financial decisions and market efficiency, and capital structure.
Along with various accumulations of anomalies in financial market, the correctness of Efficient market Hypothesis (EMH) and the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) has been doubted.
Not only is the kernel of the research on financial market microstructure, the subject about liquidity also plays a crucial role in the domain of the research on asset pricing.
The functioning of financial markets has also changed, with market anomalies indicating hidden structural 12 shifts, and many asset prices bid up to dangerously high levels.
This paper studies the equivalence between the spot-financial market (FM) equilibrium and proper pseudo-equilibrium with infinite-dimensional commodity pace and incomplete real asset markets.
This paper is devoted to the capital asset pricing in incomplete financial market, focused on the utility indifference pricing, therefore, the purpose of this paper become more significant.
Under this circumstance, the financial asset management corporations should shoulder the responsibility of stabilizing the financial system and the capital market, so they will exist for a long time.
The financial asset can no longer continue to be traded in the active market due to serious financial difficulties of the issuer;
When the asset-debt rate is low, "stock-holder wealth maximizing"financial objective is equal to the "firm market value maximizing".
For example the emergence of asset-backed securities, like other financial derivatives, forcing market participants to pay more attention to credit risk.
Examples of this include exaggerated declines in asset prices, high risk aversion for a prolonged period, and market structures that allow normal market volatility to turn into financial instability.
Examples of this include exaggerated declines in asset prices, high risk aversion for a prolonged period, and market structures that allow normal market volatility to turn into financial instability.