So what we've said is we're going to have a strong consumer finance protection agency whose only job is to look after you when it comes to financial products.
The bill extended regulation in a number of ways: consumer protection, higher capital standards for major institutions, greater transparency for complex financial instruments.
That bill would create a new consumer financial protection agency. It would also increase investor protections and let shareholders vote on the pay of top company officials.
Obama is likely to recommend creation a financial services consumer protection body with oversight powers over mortgages and credit CARDS and other consumer financial products.
And the fourth thing is having a consumer financial protection agency that is really going to do a good job making sure that consumers know what they're getting when it comes to financial products.
The Act creates a new consumer Financial protection Bureau and provides for consumer and investor protections.
He wanted to hand oversight of consumer protection to another new creation, the consumer Financial protection Agency.
They also wanted to limit funding for the establishment of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and block the Environmental Protection Agency from enforcing clean air and water rules.
The latest banger to be squeezed out is a bill to create a Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPA), a version of which the committee was due to vote through this week.
Bloomberg reports that Obama will appoint Warren as an adviser to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner where she'll help shape the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
To this end, it will set up a powerful consumer financial protection bureau, with powers to clamp down on abusive practices by credit card companies and mortgage lenders.
The step the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau announced this week is designed to change that.
Mr. Obama's fight with Wall Street began last year with his proposals for greater oversight of compensation and a consumer financial protection commission.
In may the consumer Financial Protection Bureau said consumers may be penalized too harshly for medical debt.
Lusardi's is a timely report, given the debate over the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a new agency created by the Dodd-Frank financial regulation bill.
We're going to have one federal consumer financial protection bureau.
The latest banger to be squeezed out is a bill to create a Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPA), a version of which the committee was due to vote through this week.
Our role is to promote stability and efficiency in the financial system as well as to ensure an effective consumer protection.
Congress agreed to create a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Congress agreed to create a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.