Frequent volatility is a feature of stock market. Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (ARCH) model is often used to forecast the variance of the benefit of financial capitals.
Thirdly, the establishments of financial analysis forecast model of many oil fields and the financial model base have been realized.
In the present paper, a credit risk forecast model with micro and macro analyses closely combined is created on the basis of an enterprise risk appraisal model used for financial analysis.
This paper builds an integrated fuzzy alert model on the base of fuzzy math in order to forecast business financial risk.
Fifth chapter: The analysis and forecast of Internet financial report model based on expansion mark language.
Also, the model is established by the general office software and can be integrated with the current financial software to realize the real-time dynamic forecast for company financial risk.
Also, the model is established by the general office software and can be integrated with the current financial software to realize the real-time dynamic forecast for company financial risk.