Of course, policymakers have every reason to move cautiously when it comes to financial liberalisation.
People in emerging markets have mixed feelings about financial liberalisation and may not regret its reversal.
Thanks to financial liberalisation (which America encouraged), New York faces a lot more competition than it used to.
Yet the extension of the Fed's safety net to investment Banks is not the only reason this crisis must mark a turning-point in attitudes to financial liberalisation.
Next year will provide conclusive evidence on whether plans to rebalance the economy towards consumption and continue financial liberalisation have gone out the window.
Japan's property bubble was also fuelled by cheap money and financial liberalisation and-just as in america-most people assumed that property prices could not fall nationally.
The Bretton Woods system fractured amid the inflationary pressures of the 1970s, around the time the rich world embarked on a three-decade process of financial liberalisation.
In financial markets, those who mastered the sophisticated instruments (such as derivatives) that emerged in the era of liberalisation were also able to cash in.
Even after the Asian financial crisis Mr Fischer still believed that "orderly" capital-account liberalisation should be made one of the IMF's core purposes.
In addition, the growth of the financial industry has coincided with the move to floating exchange rates and market liberalisation.
In addition, the growth of the financial industry has coincided with the move to floating exchange rates and market liberalisation.