In no sense mercurial, these great fortunes survived the financial panics that destroyed lesser ones.
If financial panics are not new, the Asian crisis came as a complete surprise to virtually all commentators.
From 1841 to 1842, in the wake of a series of financial panics and recessions, eight states and Florida (then a territory) defaulted.
Unfortunately it turned out that Banks, still nervous after the financial panics of the early 1930s, wanted to hold excess reserves as a cushion.
Mr Bernanke often notes this simply returns the Fed to its roots as lender of last resort: it was created primarily to prevent financial panics.
My purpose today is not to render judgment upon such views, however deeply misguided I happen to consider them, and however inaccurate their implicit view of nineteenth-century financial panics.
In the summer of 1931, a series of bank panics emanated from central Europe and spread financial contagion, to Great Britain, and then to the US and France and the whole world.
Charles Kindleberger’s classic study, “Manias, Panics and Crashes: A History of Financial Crises”, updated by Robert Aliber in 2005, suggests that financial instability feeds on itself.
查尔斯.金德尔伯格(Charles Kindleberger)著罗伯特.艾利伯(Robert Aliber)在2005年校正的经典著作“狂热,恐慌,崩盘:经济危机的历史”提出金融的不稳定的能源来于自身。
In that time, I have covered two major market panics-the dot. com bust and the financial crisis-and dozens of minor ones.
In that time, I have covered two major market panics-the dot. com bust and the financial crisis-and dozens of minor ones.