But farming will not remain viable if the farms are left unmodernized, and most of the farmers lack the financial resources modernization requires.
Yale and Harvard have led the way, offering every undergraduate at least one international study or internship opportunity—and providing the financial resources to make it possible.
Their financial resources are theirs and remain theirs.
Substantial financial resources are required to support polio eradication.
Then we assessed the financial resources controlled by these individuals.
This includes estimating needed team resources, financial resources, and equipment.
Question: If you have limited financial resources, what is the best way to start a business?
Second, we checked to see if they have significant financial resources relative to their peers.
To think we could not reach the finishing line because of lack of financial resources is unacceptable.
This requires taking into account the available infrastructure, human and financial resources and local requirements.
Beyond monitoring financial resources, we need to look at resource mobilization in a more strategic and coordinated way.
But the Bank's ability to help "depends crucially" on further replenishing IDA's financial resources, says Zoellick.
Voluntary contributions projected for 2006-2007 represent more than 70% of the total financial resources of the Organization.
预测的2006- 2007年自愿捐款占本组织财政资源总额的70%以上。
The better we know the enemy, the better we target human and financial resources, and shape the research agenda for the future.
The reasons for this bleak situation are clear: mental health services are being starved of both human and financial resources.
And Drupal can suit any variation in between, depending on the requirements, technical savvy, and financial resources of the organization.
Closing the funding gap: Substantial external financial resources are required to support the efforts of endemic countries to eradicate polio.
Firms who want to be winners coming out of the downturn will also need the financial resources to seize any opportunities that arise during it.
Mr. Putin is expressing confidence that Russia has adequate financial resources but Russia may now be spending money faster than it can save it.
And we act as if there are strict and immovable limits to what is actually bountiful: the financial resources to build the kind of society we need.
This award also calls for installing procurement and acquisition capabilities in addition to the financial resources and expertise already in place.
The donation of product, core competencies and services can allow agencies great savings and free up scarce financial resources for channelling elsewhere.
The report adds that Gender Action Plan grants have been successful in leveraging additional financial resources for work on women's economic empowerment.
Enterprise Architecture (EA) is considered a mandatory tool for big companies, those which can afford the required human and financial resources to use it.
The only significant correlate to safe practices was greater income, perhaps a reflection of the impact of financial resources on paraffin safety practices.
Some smaller sites simply can't afford the engineering and financial resources it takes to duplicate their infrastructure in data centers all over the world.
Some smaller sites simply can't afford the engineering and financial resources it takes to duplicate their infrastructure in data centers all over the world.