A wide set of different institutions are involved in the provision of the various elements of the financial safety net.
As an important part of the financial safety net, deposit insurance system has become crucial for a country's financial stability.
In the broad sense, bank supervision also includes Financial Safety Net, namely the Lender of Last Resort and the Deposit Insurance System.
Spain, potentially a main beneficiary of a more muscular financial safety net, said the idea wasn't on the table, according to the country's finance minister.
It would also contribute to strengthening the global financial safety net and complement existing international arrangements as an additional line of defence.
They agreed last week to set up a permanent financial safety net beginning in 2013 to handle future crisis in the Euro Zone, which will expand to include Estonia next year.
We stress the importance of an adequate and effective global financial safety net (GFSN) and look forward to discussing the IMF's analysis on the GFSN architecture in April.
If you intend on giving up your career to become a stay at home mom after marriage, the terms of your agreement can provide a financial safety net that you might not otherwise have.
In order to guarantee the safety of the finance, deposit insurance system, prudential supervision and lender-of-last-resort form the three fundamental elements of one nation's financial safety net.
On the other hand, they have to be designed in a way that they reduce ex ante moral hazard risk that otherwise can result in the same fragility that the financial safety net is supposed to minimise.
South Korea argued, rightly, that such a safety net is essential if emerging economies are able to withstand financial crises without piling up ever-larger foreign-exchange reserves.
And it refused to grant an injunction to halt the financial safety-net, saying this could endanger the euro.
Only a quarter of vulnerable countries will have the financial resources to lessen the impact of the financial downturn with social safety net or job-creation programs, says the Bank.
As part of the social security safety net, the department is also responsible for promoting financial security in retirement through pensions and encouraging individual responsibility.
Overdraft protection is a good safety net to protect you against bouncing checks, but if you're not careful it can become a crutch that encourages irresponsible financial behavior.
Yet the extension of the Fed's safety net to investment Banks is not the only reason this crisis must mark a turning-point in attitudes to financial liberalisation.
So Congress tried to make sure it would never happen again by creating a system of regulations and guarantees that provided a safety net for the financial system.
So Congress tried to make sure it would never happen again by creating a system of regulations and guarantees that provided a safety net for the financial system.