Does this XML describe a financial transaction or scuba gear?
A liquidity margin performs as guarantee in a financial transaction.
Mr Sarkozy wants a levy known as a Tobin Tax to be applied to every financial transaction.
Each financial transaction has two sides to it and you need both of them to record the transaction.
The cell phone companies stand to get a small slice - less than 1 percent of every financial transaction.
A piece of negotiable paper representing a fictitious financial transaction and used temporarily to sustain credit or raise money.
According to the divide of work, NBS takes charge of compilation of physical transaction, while PBC takes charge of financial transaction.
In the economic transitional period, the problem in financial transaction between Banks and enterprises is a distorting credit relationship.
Responsible for the overall channel sales in Beijing and vicinity area, including daily sales, financial transaction and receivables control.
As I said earlier, there's something terribly wrong with the whole notion of patients as "consumers" and health care as simply a financial transaction.
In the economic transitional period, the problem in the financial transaction between bank and enterprise is the distorting of credit relationship.
Queries are based on the personal information of the parties involved in a financial transaction rather than financial information from the ACORD standard.
The payment Service represents a Service Provider that can be used to capture a financial transaction and result in a payment being made between two parties.
Let's be clear. A global financial transaction tax was only one of four options floated by the prime minister, and there are formidable practical problems.
The new Dynamic Rules Engine could more quickly and accurately evaluate these criteria and determine if access to the financial transaction should be granted.
We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to processs your transactions in order to keep your information confidential during any online financial transaction with us.
Practically every financial transaction, from someone buying a cup of coffee to someone trading a trillion dollars of credit default derivatives, is done in software.
Based on the characteristics of ATM system and the special requirement of financial transaction, an overall design of hardware and software structure of ATM was made.
根据AT M系统的特点及金融交易的特殊要求,对atm系统的硬件及软件结构进行了整体设计。
With the change of economic operation mechanism, financial management of geological prospecting units should be changed according to environment of financial transaction.
Real time Gross SettlementRTGS, a process in which both the processing and settlement of a financial transaction can take place continuously, without using specific times.
Real time Gross settlement RTGS, a process in which both the processing and settlement of a financial transaction can take place continuously, without using specific times.
The important status and function of commercial Banks in financial system and financial transaction decide the study of commercial Banks should be placed an important status.
The function call would result in the process Broker executing a process that grouped an asset manipulation on the content service with a financial transaction on the payment service.
"Our position hasn't changed - we're still opposed," said Mary Ann Dewey-Plante, spokeswoman for Canada's Finance Minister Jim Flaherty referring to the financial transaction tax.
Design contract optimize for main fact, is it balance for complement, physics trade and regional marketing organizing system of the Northwest that financial transaction cooperate to regulate.
One project I developed had financial data at the detail grain transaction level and program accomplishments at a day grain level.
One project I developed had financial data at the detail grain transaction level and program accomplishments at a day grain level.