If you can afford to travel overseas for a holiday, you can afford to financially support your children.
Just last week, he announced he would financially support Fan Xiaoqin until he graduates from university.
Jennifer believes she will move out on her own when she is financially able to support herself.
Unemployment is financially terrifying, psychologically embarrassing and you know that support is minimal and extraordinarily hard to get.
In addition, Germany, Japan and the UK announced their intention to support the initiative financially.
Even in financially strapped county cricket, the ratio of support staff to players has grown dramatically.
"Freelancing is the key to making money until you're established, with most authors turning to journalism after publication to support themselves financially," Kostakis said.
It is just that in the past many men, wanting to be responsible, waited until they felt financially ready to support a family.
This is because Chinese pensioners rely heavily on their children to support them both mentally and financially.
Hopefully in the near future myself and SCM will be partnering with a non-profit in America in order to provide an opportunity for those who want to support our work financially to do so.
It was my chance to see how well I fared without him, and I wanted to get a real idea of what life would be like without his support, emotionally and financially.
Suppose parents don't support their kids financially, where do the latter seek help?
If someone is supporting you financially, you must provide proof of his or her financial capacity. You must also provide a Declaration of financial support (see page 6) signed by this person.
When we last met Hema, she was balancing a job as a primary school teacher while tutoring younger students in Room to Read's Girls' Education Program to support herself financially through university.
Many top universities offer to completely pay for tuition if you meet their standards for admission, and if you show that your family cannot support you financially.
You must demonstrate that you are financially able to support yourself for the entire period of stay in the United States while pursuing a full course of study.
You must demonstrate that you are financially able to support yourself for the entire period of stay in the United States while pursuing a full course of study.