The approach taken in this example is very simple: find the service level requested in a properties file and use the related property value as the message endpoint.
I have done this for you, and you can find the file in the download's META-INF \ folder.
我已经为您完成了这个文件,您可以在下载的META - INF \文件夹中找到此文件。
To convert this process to RPM, you place the source in a repository and write a configuration file to dictate where to find the source to be compiled and how to build and install the code.
If you actually try using ico files in this format, you'll find that a number of popular icon-authoring tools crash when asked to load a PNG-compressed icon file for editing.
I have prepared this file for you; you'll find it in the sample2 \ JBI1 folder.
我已经为您准备了此文件;您将在sample2 \JBI1文件夹中发现它。
You can find available configurations in config-store/, but be careful not to change this file, because that might corrupt your installation.
可以在 config-store/ 中找到可用配置,但一定不要更改该文件,因为这样可能破坏您的安装。
In this article I want to explain the basics of the Linux file system and where you can expect to find things.
This assumes that the file XKeysymDB and the directory nls are in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11; if theyare not, find them and put them there.
这里假设XKeysymDB文件和nls目录在 /usr/X11R6/lib/X11目录下;如果不在,查找到它们并把它们放到该目录下。
If you downloaded and unzipped the zip file, you can find this file in the Cloudscape_Ajax_Demo/src/cloudscape/ajax directory.
如果您下载并解压了前文所述的zip文件,那么可以在 Cloudscape_Ajax_Demo/src/cloudscape/ajax 目录中找到这个文件。
Eclipse will scan this links folder on startup and find the plug-ins in each product extension pointed to by a link file. Here is an example of an Eclipse installation layout using a links folder.
Eclip se会在启动时扫描这个links文件夹,并在每个链接文件中所指向的产品扩展中寻找插件。
Much like the URL for an HTML file or a JDBC data source, the information in this URL tells JNDI how to find and access WebSphere MQ using the implementation provided by the support pac.
这和HTML文件或者JDBC数据源的URL很类似,该URL将指明JNDI如何利用support pac提供的实现来查找并且访问WebSphereMQ。
This is the example that you will find in the README file of the ETTK for the transformer. It may be summarized as follows
This enables you to find issues in the third party components, along with issues from a malicious file input source and more.
This method will find the properties file on the classpath, so it is necessary to put the directory with this file in the classpath.
In the file shown in Listing 6, this command would find the first word on line 10.
In the file shown in Listing 6, this command would find the first word on line 6.
The JPA runtime needs to find this file and use the metadata in it.
This command would find the first word on line 3 in the file shown in Listing 6.
In the download ZIP file below, you will find a pre-built version of the project mytheme.jar, a modified engine.tld file, and all of source code shown in this article.
在下面的下载ZIP文件中,您会找到一个mytheme.jar项目的一个预先建立的版本、一个修改过的engine.tld 文件和本文中出现的所有源代码。
You can find the sample service provider in the PackageSatusServiceEAR.ear file, included with in the download materials with this article.
您可以在PackageSatusServiceEAR .ear文件中找到示例服务提供程序,它包括在本文提供的下载资料中。
The choice is yours; in this case, I prefer using Tomcat's interface because Tomcat is already running and I don't have to find its path on the underlying file system.
选择权在您手中;在这里,我倾向于使用Tomcat的接口,因为 Tomcat已经在运行中,并且我不必寻找它在底层文件系统中的路径。
If you look in this plug-in, which is the branding plug-in for the primary feature, you will find a file named plugin_customization.ini.
如果您仔细查看这个作为主要功能部件标识的插件,您将发现一个名为plugin_customization . ini的文件。
Now walk through the in Listing 3. You may find it easier to open your favorite editor and view the AtomGenerator file, as the source is included as the download along with this document.
If you configure ConstrainedSHMSizeMB= 1744 in the Notes.ini file and set the dataseg used to 3 (the number of data segments), you may find the following results in this table.
如果在 Notes.ini文件中配置ConstrainedSHMSizeMB= 1744并将 dataseg 设置为3(数据段的数量),那么会得到下表中列出的结果。
AutoArchive moves old items to the archive file on this computer. You can find these items under archive Folders in the folder list.
After downloading and extracting the file included in this article, you will find the following file.
下载并解压缩本文包含的backupschema. zip文件之后,会得到以下文件。
You can find an example of the AAA Info file used in this scenario included with the article download (see MDM8_AAAInfoFile.xml in the file).
本文的下载小节附带了该场景使用的一个示例AAAInfoFile(见resources . zip文件中的MDM8_AAAInfoFile . xml)。
Note: To view the SVG files in this article, you need an SVG viewer which you can find (along with file that includes all associated files) in Resources.
注意,要查看本文中的svg图,需要一个svg查看器,可以从参考资料中找到该查看器(还有一个. zip压缩包,它包括所有相关的文件)。
Note: To view the SVG files in this article, you need an SVG viewer which you can find (along with file that includes all associated files) in Resources.
注意,要查看本文中的svg图,需要一个svg查看器,可以从参考资料中找到该查看器(还有一个. zip压缩包,它包括所有相关的文件)。