In the spring, a season when we are learning new rhythms of life, many of us find comfort in the natural world.
Researchers are excited as the find will teach them more about the life and times of early settlers who crossed from Asia to the New World thousands of years ago.
You’ll find that removing clutter has a therapeutic effect: As you clear the clutter, you’re inviting new things to enter your life.
If you trained on your own for your last race, you might find that the group motivation and running for a cause breathes new life into your training.
Exoplanet hunters announced a new world orbiting in its dim star's habitable zone, the not-too-hot, not-too-cold region where liquid water is stable and life could potentially find a foothold.
In the relatively new science of planet hunting, no find is more prized than finding a planet like ours, one that could support life.
Perhaps Americans will copy the British, and find that the silver lining of relative decline is a new appreciation of dry humor and the irony of life.
The new world is still a big deal, though, because it's confirmation that astronomers now have the technology to find planets in the life-friendly ballpark in droves.
And a new test could allow researchers to quickly sort through combinations of electrodes and electrolytes to find ones that will last for the life of a car (a Quicker test for EV Batteries).
Everyone is going back to their roots. So it's the perfect time for the classical guitar to find a new lease of life and new cycle.
If you want to contribute to this strange new 21st-century war effort, the most important thing you can do for society is to defeat fear and find freedom in your own life.
But it does sometimes happen that I find good people, learn new things, participate in the life of a place.
In the midst of these commitments, we try to find spare minutes here and there to do the meaningful things in life, like spending time with our families, learning a new talent or even just relaxing.
But as you know, an entrepreneur's life is not always easy, especially in the early days of a new enterprise when success is far from certain and partners may be hard to find.
The new moon April 14 will be your very best new moon of the year to help you find ways to bring more balance to your life by adding love and fun to your days.
Tim Lake (Domhnall Gleeson), the protagonist in the new romantic comedy About time, USES his ability to travel back in time to find the love of his life.
The door and wall wood studs find their new life for the outdoor furniture and wood deck.
Maybe my life is so normal and I want to find something new by seeing the exciting movies.
On the other hand, though, if a child is left alone too much, or without any learning opportunities, he loses his natural zest for life and his desire to find out new things for himself.
Li Jiang on one hand tries to seek the essence in the past cultural sights, and on the other hand he attempts to find new-born belief in illogical daily life.
This paper analyses the application of number seven in Chinese and Western Culture, so as to discover new phenomenon of this kind and find out how number seven affects people's life and why.
Merciful God, lead us to quench our thirst in you, to find relief for our souls in the work of your Son, who came to give us new life and power to serve you always.
Eventually she left home and moved to the big city to find a new life for herself.
Their splendid performances have made them the new idols of their children and also led them find to a new stage in life.
What could she do but move on, find a new life and new dreams?the old one was beyond repair.
Such a keen grasp of poetic essentials and new recognition of the nature of human being are helping him find out a basic point of life.
Such a keen grasp of poetic essentials and new recognition of the nature of human being are helping him find out a basic point of life.