If you can't find time for yourself and to be with those you love, then it's time for you to prioritize again.
So much so that you fail to find time for yourself, for your loved ones…This hurts the worst when you are a working women!
If you spend a little time digging for the right part-time jobs, you'll save yourself time—when you find a job that leaves you with enough time—to get your schoolwork done too.
If you spend a little time digging for the right part-time jobs, you'll save yourself time when you find a job that leaves you with enough time to get your schoolwork done too.
Whenever you find yourself getting discouraged go somewhere quiet for a little while and use that time to visualize success in your endeavors.
How can you, as a designer working either for a company or for yourself, find the time to design something daily?
So the next time you find yourself looking for advice on how to stay motivated in whatever you do, look inside yourself, and ask why and if you really care.
If you find yourself waiting to be great, yearning for the optimal time when you can "afford" to do more, then you are saying at some level, if you can't help everyone, you help no one.
Finally, you may find yourself in a standard application architecture but one that is designed for high-speed requirements where every millisecond of processing time matters.
I urge you to ask this of yourself, every time you find yourself blaming someone else for a problem: How could I have acted differently to prevent this problem?
The next time you find yourself in the middle of a very stressful time, or you feel angry or frustrated, stop!Whatever you're doing, stop and sit for one minute.
下一次,当你正处于极端的压力之下,感觉愤怒或受挫时,马上停止你正在做的任何事情! 不论你正在做什么,都暂时停下来,静坐一分钟。
If you find yourself wasting a lot of time, look for ways to avoid the distractions that lead to procrastination.
Although your desire to help people is laudable, if you find that you just can't respond to all requests within the time limit you've set for yourself, "don't feel guilty," Cenedella advises.
If you chose a high value for the maximum number of hits (Figure 13) but have not applied a filter, you'll find yourself waiting a long time until all of the results display.
Take the time to do your job correctly or you may find yourself looking for a new one.
Spend just 10 percent more of your time looking forward to what life holds for you in the future, and I suspect you'll find yourself in a better position.
If you find yourself sucked into the Internet and frequently lose track of time, consider installing software that keeps track of time for you, and can remind you when it's time to take a break.
Because they will find excuses for yourself: family does not support, no time, work too busy, too far, sports too boring gymnasium.
Tom, your sales record is way down the past six months. You've only sold 17 cars all this time. You'd better start keeping your eye on the ball, or you'll find yourself looking for another job.
For if once you gain time and delay, you will find it easier to control yourself.
If you find yourself spending more time online than with real people, then plan for some quality time with the family or friends every other day.
If you find yourself starting to write like a attraction advertisement, its time to take a break for a while.
The next time you find yourself making excuses, blaming others or saying you have no choice, reconsider. Try just for a while replacing the following words.
Once you have given yourself time to comprehend what this means for you, you need time to figure out how to find a new sense of balance.
A few years from now, you'll be upset with yourself for all the time you wasted and find yourself stuck dwelling on what could have been.
Try this exercise twice a day for a few minutes at a time. You should find yourself feeling more energised and less stressed.
Try this exercise twice a day for a few minutes at a time. You should find yourself feeling more energised and less stressed.