Finding the way home Hundreds of years ago, travellers found their way by looking at the stars.
But 9 chances are, they'll still argue about who's the better driver and who's better at finding the way home.
In the same way, Rima stealthily investigates her godmother's home, searching for clues, finding little more than dusty fan mail and trinkets.
We drove home then finding it easy to find the freeway and talking about this strange happening all the way home.
我们回家的时候发现找高速路很容易。 我俩一路上谈论着刚才的怪事。
The sun was setting quickly and I was worried about finding my way back in the dark, so I decided to head home.
But if you're looking to make the ultimate style statement with your home AV kit, you'll go a long way before finding anything quite like Greensound Technologies' range of stunning glass speakers.
但是如果你希望在你的影音工具包力找到一些东西能完成这句话的终极陈述,那你需要寻找好久才能找到像Greensound Technologies这样的令人惊艳的玻璃音响。
She said they were good at finding their way home so they could show policeman the way.
Here, 'finding way home' is not only finding the road to your house, it also means finding a spiritual way to put down their burden.
Humans are a vastly capable species that was cast by the Tao to aid troubled creations and creators in finding their way home when distortion hits in any cycle.
Humans are a vastly capable species that was cast by the Tao to aid troubled creations and creators in finding their way home when distortion hits in any cycle.