B: Fine. A: I didn't ask you how you looked, I asked you how are you.
But you notice up here how close these levels are, so we are looking at very, very fine distinctions.
No matter what other people's opinions are, no matter what they do, who they are or how they look – you are perfectly fine with that.
You know, dears, in the old countries there are many fine stories about things which happened so very long ago that nobody knows exactly how much of them is true.
朋友们,你们都知道,在那些古老的王国里总流传着很多传奇故事。 这些故事流传了很久很久以至于没有人知道这些故事当中哪些真的发生过。
As if to remind you how environmentally unfriendly you are being by skiing here, the pistes are often a pale beige, regularly dusted as they are by fine sand blown in from the nearby Gobi Desert.
You can do some manipulation of positioning of UI elements in XUL, but for the most part the fine details of how a window looks are a matter of style that is better left to a stylesheet.
For example when I meet you I might ask: "How are you?" and you might reply "Fine" when actually you feel like crap.
Controls on how much of the database you share are reasonably fine grained, with three levels of access.
There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity. Regardless of how brave you are, don't take risks you don't need to take.
你好吗? -很好,谢谢。
You were buried up to your neck in the cemetery - how is it you are spotlessly clean, sweet smelling, dressed in your own royal robes, and decorated with fine jewellery and the loveliest flowers?
When people ask you how you are, how do you respond? Do you say you're fine—or tired?
Thanks! I'm fine. How are you going, Maria?
When we ask someone, "How are you doing?" and they say, "Fine, " we really don't want to know what their aches and pains are.
I am a regular reminder of how capable you are, how masterful you are, and how you're already fine just as you are — you're just taking yourself to the next stage in your journey.
I am a regular reminder of how capable you are, how masterful you are, and how you're already fine just as you are — you're just taking yourself to the next stage in your journey.