The chairman does his best to keep his finger on the pulse of his company's activities.
If you want to know what's happening on the social scene, ask Jane She has her finger on the pulse and can tell you who's going to be there.
Managers can keep their finger on the pulse of the organization by monitoring the rumor mill and should make a point of correcting false or distorted infor.
By tracking population trends, and charting the presence or absence of particular species over time, scientists keep a finger on the pulse of the ecosystem.
In addition to having your finger on the pulse of project status it is equally important to determine if expected returns were recognized during a GDD project.
A group show chosen from the Domus Collection, Roundtrip: Beijing - New York NOW places the finger on the pulse of contemporary art as it spans continental divisions.
In addition to distributing attacks on brand reputation, companies use social media to keep a finger on the pulse of crises like a product recall, or to monitor the progress of a new product launch.
The sensor may thereby be placed on a patient's finger, toe, and so forth to obtain pulse oximetry or other physiological measurements.
The problem is, the more servers and applications you have, the more log files and event systems there are and the harder it becomes to keep your finger on the "pulse."
The problem is, the more servers and applications you have, the more log files and event systems there are and the harder it becomes to keep your finger on the "pulse."