I believe that runners of all levels of experience and ability should toe the line with a realistic finish time goal in mind.
Most jobs are scheduled to those processes in which the jobs have both minimum execution time (MET) and earliest finish time (EFT).
Even though race courses are measured accurately, many racers run a longer distance (and therefore a slower finish time) by following every curve in the road.
This means that the Settings for frequency and duration should ensure there is no overlap between a cleaning procedure's finish time with another one's start time.
For the optical network based distributed computing system, the guaranteed finish time is used to judge whether to accept an application with real-time requirement.
For example, adding two employees per production stage on a line would decrease a particular line time by two days and the start to finish time for a boat by eight days.
I had just enough time to finish eating before the bell rang and I was off to my first class.
The first woman to finish was Grete Waitz of Norway, with a time of 2 hrs, 29 min., 30 sec.
By the time they finish, the crewmen are standing ankle-deep in fish guts.
Be sure to attend all classes and leave enough time to finish your assignments and prepare well for examinations.
In the new global economy, students who fail to finish the ninth grade with passing grades in college preparatory coursework are very unlikely to graduate on time and go on to get jobs.
For the first time in the World Cup finals, lots had to be drawn to decide who would finish second and third.
Before I put you to bed, I have just time to finish the story of Cinderella.
Just imagine! We have to finish reading 300 pages before Monday! How can the professor expect us to do it in such a short time?
He didn't seem to like to finish the talk quickly, as was the case for the first time.
I'll finish school in a few months, and I'd like a full-time position with more responsibility.
It took the old woman some time to finish eating.
I couldn't finish the tasks in time and even made many mistakes.
With more practice, it took him less and less time to finish each toy.
He cleaned the table from time to time in silence and it took the old lady some time to finish eating.
At first, everything was perfect: I had so much work that I had to take on an assistant, my best friend at work, Don, just to be able to finish things on time.
A man can't be so greedy, maybe thing will go to an opposite side if we want to finish a thing in one time.
In their very different ways, both of them do well in school, and both finish their work within the required time as well.
Everyone at the site worked hard to finish building the tunnel on time and more than 10 latest techniques were developed while the workers were doing this great project.
The man in blue is too old to finish the difficult task in such a short time.
In some places, you may borrow as many books as you want, but in others you are limited to a certain number of books for several weeks so that you can have enough time to finish all the books you've borrowed.
I did a study several years ago, asking procrastinators to finish a task in a certain period of time.
Whether you can finish this task doesn't depend on how much time you are willing to spend on it.
Whether you can finish this task doesn't depend on how much time you are willing to spend on it.