The vast majority of false fire alarms are prank calls made anonymously from fire alarm boxes on street corners.
The manual fire alarm systems includes fire alarm pull stations and pipes.
The lecture was curtailed by the fire alarm going off.
Whenever you move to a new area, you should locate the fire alarm pull stations and the two exits nearest your room.
If the fire alarm is counted, all residents are requested to assemble in the courtyard.
The club had no sprinkler or audible fire-alarm systems.
Suddenly the fire alarm went off. We all rushed out the door.
To their surprise, they found that it climbed over to the fire alarm on the back wall and set it off!
A smoke alarm makes the risk of dying in a house fire smaller.
The large lizard noticed that whenever the alarm bell rang during the school's practice fire drills, all the children and their teachers ran out of the classroom, leaving the lizard behind, peaceful and quiet for a while.
We are all exhausted and collapse into our dorms - but are woken suddenly by a fire alarm.
Tell colleagues if you have to leave the dog alone, and make sure they know how to manage it in case of fire alarm or surprise upset.
People who have hitherto ignored a fire alarm are more likely to respond if they see other people around them heading for the exits, for example.
Replaced the AC filter, applied pest control spay, replaced fire alarm batteries, etc.
Handled basic household maintenance. - replaced the ac filter, applied pest control spay, replaced fire alarm batteries, etc.
For example, not only would a resident be woken with notification of a fire alarm, the smart home would also unlock doors, dial the fire department and light the path to safety.
One common topic space for such a system would be FireAlarms///Alarm, where and describe the location of each fire alarm on campus.
If you will pardon so commonplace a simile, we have set off the fire alarm and have nothing to do but to wait.
The museum is installed with advanced security and fire alarm systems, multimedia educational facilities, a computerized resources library and building maintenance automation system.
Jack pulls the fire alarm and Cofell's elevator stops giving Jack time to dart down the stairwell.
Jack pulls the fire alarm, and Cofell's elevator stops, giving Jack time to dart down the stairwell.
Suddenly the fire alarm leapt into action, hurling thick jets of water across the flat, desperate to save its occupants.
Central air conditioner, automatic fire alarm, closed circuit TV watching system, communication network, public broadcasting and cable TV are all available in the exhibition hall.
If you will pardon so commonplace a simile, we have set off the fire alarm and have nothing to do but to wait.
The necessity of installing the residual current fire alarm system was analyzed.
Everyone should know where the nearest fire alarm box is located and where exits fire escapes, and fire doors are.
Fortunately, today's fire alarm system also have flashing lights that are hard to miss no matter where you are on the office floor.
Assistant fire system inspection includes hydrants, sprinkler system and fire alarm system each month. According to maintenance plan, to assist fire equipments maintenance.
Assistant fire system inspection includes hydrants, sprinkler system and fire alarm system each month. According to maintenance plan, to assist fire equipments maintenance.