The main materials it sells include fire hydraulic giant, fire hose, indoor and outdoor fire hydrant, firebox 1211 and 302 fire extinguisher, etc.
Stuck at an angle near a buried fire hydrant, they were pushing and spinning and getting nowhere, with the smell of burning rubber noxiously sharp in the cold air.
Aresident douses himself with water from a fire hydrant as the citywater system remains broken after a major earthquake in Talca, March 1, 2010.
One of its early victories was in Jerusalem, where it found that a fire hydrant was indeed being used to fill a private swimming pool—pulling the plug, as it were, on a very surprised water thief.
But even a man who has been doing keg-stands is not likely to mistake a woman shaped like a fire hydrant for one shaped like an hourglass.
Surprisingly, participants shown more intermediate steps to arrive at the half-blurred image were less likely to guess the identity of the fire hydrant.
There's so many, and some of them are really quite brilliant.I once heard a saying that getting information from the internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant.
Those who bury, occupy fire hydrant or occupy fire prevention space, block fire control passageway, or damage and arbitrarily use, dismantle and stop use fire control facilities and devices;
No feeding pump is foreseen for external fire hydrant system.
The river serves as fire hydrant in case of fire as well as serving the principles of FengShui and decoration.
Xian hotel fire hydrant design and production to reflect the culture of Xi'an!
Most ships have an arrangement of fire main and hydrant valves whereby at least two jets of water may be directed on a fire in any part of the ship.
China's famous tourist center in the city, we can design a good image of these fire hydrant Xi 'an, Xi 'an to do to keep the hotel up to achieve the international advanced level.
I'll be right down, fire hydrant. Tell mom, I'm just gonna finish this paragraph.
The engine and horses are displayed on a street with street lights and a fire hydrant.
The system supplied the calculating program of water supply, drainage, fire fighting, hot water system, and can choose the type of water tank, septic tank and hydrant.
Design a new outdoor fire hydrant, fire hydrants in the compound have been adopted in the multi-screw mechanism, the traditional fire hydrant to the transformation of the structure.
Fire control devices such as fire extinguisher, hydrant water supplying system, AFFF system and foam-water spray extinguishing system are used in this tunnel.
Three functions of fire hydrant buttons in fire fighting joint control system are discussed and direct pump start is highlighted.
On the basis of fire standards and practices the fire hydrant system, pressure stabilizing apparatus and fire pumps are discussed and design criteria are proposed.
When asked about it, I said Quayle's claim would strike terror into the heart of every fire hydrant in America.
This paper studied and summarized the water supply mode based on the research of characteristic and constitution of fire hydrant system.
I don't believe it. Just as I don't believe that dog-year people bite, bark or pee near a fire hydrant.
I don't believe it. Just as I don't believe that dog-year people bite, bark or pee near a fire hydrant.