This level is sometimes called fire and forget because the message is sent to its destination without verification of receipt.
这一级有时又称作 “发后即忘”,原因是向目的地发送消息后并不验证消息的接收。
For example, it might just open the connection and send the message without regard for the success or failure of the send (fire and forget).
If you just want to "fire and forget" a message to a service, (no response to the caller is required), you can use the asynchronous messaging style.
如果只想将消息以“即发即弃(fire and forget)”的方式发送给一个服务,(并不需要给调用者返回响应),那么可使用异步消息类型。
Message exchange pattern: data services could be accessed via the four primary message exchange patterns - request/reply (tight SLA), request/reply (relaxed SLA), fire/forget, and publish/subscribe.
消息交换模式:数据服务可以通过四种主要的消息交换模式被访问:请求-应答(严格SLA)、请求-应答(宽松SLA ),即发即弃和发布-订阅。
At the other end, it is the asynchronous model in which a system sends the message and continues processing (Fire-and-forget message exchange).
另一方面,系统发送消息并继续处理(“Fire - and -Forget”消息交换)的情况下则使用的是异步模型。
The event is then published with a topic and quality of service set to 0 (fire-and-forget with no acknowledgement).
然后连同主题一起发布事件,并将服务质量设置为 0(不存在发送并忘记 (fire-and-forget))。
I recommend that you use SAX as a fire-and-forget mechanism, and not build up data structures like this in the first place — so in that case this becomes a non-issue.
我建议将SAX作为一种fire - and - forget机制,而不是在一开始就构建数据结构——这样,这种情况这就不成问题了。
Along with the Numbers for fire department, ambulance and police, you should also put your own address because it is easy to forget it in a crisis.
Here at home in England, under the fire of the Boche, we do not forget the ties and links that.
We'll throw these letters in the fire, and you must promise to forget the whole thing. There is no question of your marrying Dora!
We'll throw these letters in the fire, and you must promise to forget the whole thing.
Forget the fire and brimstone: his subtle eloquence made him the country's most influential theologian.
As said earlier, if you're executing a fire-and-forget, there's no reason to use an async controller, since what you want is just to fire the query and return a result to the user.
As said earlier, if you're executing a fire-and-forget, there's no reason to use an async controller, since what you want is just to fire the query and return a result to the user.