Vanessa: Hey, I didn't use the fire escape.
Michael removes a bolt from the hotel fire escape.
Portable fire escape ladder for homes/apartments with multiple floors.
Sorry, instructor. You didn't say I couldn't use the fire escape.
I remember seeing my neighbor Pito go up and down the fire escape to get people out.
If I really thought that, I'd never admit to it, and if I did, I'd jump from my fire escape.
On the night Elena Ortizdied, a tenant's car had been parked just beneaththe fire escape.
You crouch on the fire escape, sweating in your dark clothes, staring into this bathroom.
The fire escape in the rear of the building collapsed and trapped the employees even more.
At that point there was a huge blast and in all the smoke I managed to run back down the fire escape.
Each platform should have the fire escape indication, in order to conduct personnel's dispersing at accident time.
TWO men are being hailed as heroes after catching a three-year-old boy as he fell four storeys from a fire escape.
The extreme foreshortening of his 1925 "Fire Escape", for example, shot from below, shows a fellow climbing on a ladder.
Recently, it became a puzzle to design the fire escape system for underground space with large floor areas or huge depth.
They tell him that a concerned friend of his contacted them and that his injuries were the result of a fall down a fire escape .
They joined the line of people in the fire escape and when they reached the15th floor heard the noise of the south tower collapsing.
They joined the line of people in the fire escape and when they reached the15th floor heard the noise of the south tower collapsing .
They joined the line of people in the fire escape and when they reached the 15th floor heard the noise of the south tower collapsing.
The whole process is: hearing the broadcast of fire protection, evacuate from the fire escape, get together and nose count, sum-up and over.
I looked up. The fire escape was empty. A dish towel fluttered on an improvised clothesline; someone else would live there now, some other couple.
When you hear the fire alarm, which is a very loud, continuous ringing noise, you should go to the nearest fire exit or fire escape as quickly as possible.
"They rounded up about 15 people and brought them through to the kitchen and up a fire escape to the 10th floor, where they had us against the wall," he said.
At the time of the fire the only safety measures available for the workers were 27 buckets of water and a fire escape that would collapse when people tried to use them.
Suitable for all kinds of inside and outside wall insulation and household wall, basement insulation, ground, garage, corridor and fire escape heating insulation.
Fire escape routes must lead to safe assembly points without any obstructions. Assembly points must be designated and marked as such and must be kept clear at all times.
Fire escape routes must lead to safe assembly points without any obstructions. Assembly points must be designated and marked as such and must be kept clear at all times.