He said that he and another man managed to escaped through a fire exit and stumbled through the smoke that filled the hotel.
I think we should walk calmly to our nearest fire exit, following the green signs, go outside and meet at the fire assembly point.
We came down the fire exit, but I think they took some more people, they are trying to get to the roof, one foreigner told local television.
Not exactly Tom. No. I think we should walk calmly to our nearest fire exit, following the green signs, go outside and meet at the fire assembly point.
When you hear the fire alarm, which is a very loud, continuous ringing noise, you should go to the nearest fire exit or fire escape as quickly as possible.
The monument's designers never intended to have visitors inside, and the hot interior meets no fire codes and offers no emergency exit other than a single steep, vertigo-inducing staircase.
Ensure that evacuation passageway and safety exit are unblocked and set up evacuation marks on fire control safety conforming to the state regulations.
At Harry's command, the other kids fire Reducto spells at the prophecy shelves around them and race towards the exit in the confusion.
Thanks to the installation of a number of fire curtains and the provision of an additional emergency exit, the listed foyer was retained in its original condition.
The device complies with all national and regional building codes for locking exit doors and elevator-lobby and stairwell fire-rated doors.
You can not use the elevators during a fire, you must find a safe exit to escape to.
Fire Environmental requirements: If it is a large area of the booth must be exhibition area and the expected attendance in proportion to set up emergency access or exit and set up signs.
Open the nearest fire alarm. If you are in the corridor, there is a fire alarm near the emergency exit, break the glass of the fire-alarm push the fire alarm button.
When triggered by the building's fire alarm control panel, it alerts building occupants to the location of the nearest exit using directional sound.
The Parks Service is adding another staircase in part to make it easier for visitors who climb the statue's stairs to the crown to exit quickly in case of a fire or other emergency.
The little green men to a door run, mark on one side of the arrow, this is tell everyone in the direction of emergency exit, to tell the baby once encountered fire, to the arrow direction to run.
Wipe with damp cloth: Entrance door, frames, hinges, exit signs, fire hose reels, fire extinguishers and hand rails.
The exit device can also be integrated into a facility's alarm system to enable immediate egress in the event of a fire or other emergency.
We will design an exit route for each class and hold another fire drill later this semester.
In case of fire and other emergency situations please along the evacuation routes and safety of the nearest exit and orderly evacuation!
In case of fire and other emergency situations please along the evacuation routes and safety of the nearest exit and orderly evacuation!