But if my opponent wants to play dirty and talk about my personal life, I have no choice but to fight fire with fire and talk about some personal things we've found out about him.
Our goal here is to fight fire with fire so to speak, and come back at the negatives with positives, almost like reprogramming a computer.
My uncle lost out to his competitors because he wasn't willing to fight fire with fire.
Some people are so belligerent that to fight fire with fire seems the only way to deal with their enemies.
The engine's crew tried to fight the flames with fire extinguishers, but in the end they had to summon another truck to put out the fire.
He may fight fire with fire, distancing himself in those relationships in an attempt to regain power and control through expressing less interest.
He may fight fire with fire, distancing himself in those relationships in an attempt to regain power and control through expressing less interest.