The company does not take proper fire precaution.
By analyzing the fire precaution measures of traditional dwelling, we expect people have a new understanding of the ancients' great efforts on building fire precaution.
Working with established procedures, Maintenance Technician maintains the fire precaution system and extinguishers, ensures they meet all safety codes and are ready for use in case of an emergency.
It is important for everyone to take every preventative measure and precaution possible to be ready to deal with a fire emergency.
They had lit a fire fit to roast an ox, and it was now grown so hot that they could only approach it from the windward, and even there not without precaution.
The paper has discussed the fire defense precaution and emergency program of the South Campus Library of the Harbin University of Science and Technology.
Emphasis of fire prevention should be laid on precaution. Effective steps must be taken to extinguish fires once the accidents happen.
Emphasis of fire prevention should be laid on precaution. Effective steps must be taken to extinguish fires once the accidents happen.