But for those who have built the firm up to its giddy heights, the rewards must seem more palpable.
Up to 300 workers are facing the axe at a struggling Merseyside firm.
I ended up moving up to Boston working for the world's largest global law firm.
The discovery of Northwest Africa 2364 is also helping to firm up scientists' understanding of how our local neighbourhood formed.
It is a time-consuming process and a significant bottleneck, says Gordon Sanghera, the chief executive of Oxford nanopore, a firm set up in 2005 to commercialise Dr Bayley's work on nanopores.
If that sounds odd, Cablevision, another firm caught up in the scandal, reportedly gave options retrospectively to an executive after his death.
The firm is working with food producers to come up with ever-cheaper offers.
Develop new ideas, actually spend time brainstorming to firm up your own company's marketing message. Stop looking at what everyone else is doing.
The firm is hoping to deliver 95% of these containers on time, up from 80% for its own service on that route.
His proposals for cheap diagnostic technologies were turned down by firms unwilling to undermine their existing products, so he left to set up his own firm in China.
With her husband, she set up a firm in California to gather American waste paper and ship it to China to be recycled.
Like his colleagues in textiles and clothing, he and other machine-tool manufacturers are looking at setting up their own private-equity firm to help them restructure.
If one firm cut its prices, destroying the unspoken deal to carve up the market, it would succeed only in starting a price war.
He sold stakes in some companies and used cash from the sales and revenue from Tata Consultancy Services, India's largest IT firm, to shore up control of those that remained.
It may help to tilt one edge of the box up to ensure a firm hold.
For a while revenues held up, suggesting it was possible to run a successful music firm on the cheap.
If the strategy fails to revive Carrefour's French hypermarkets by the end of next year, some investors will demand that the firm be taken to the charcuterie counter and carved up.
But that does not provide enough ore for all of them, and other domestic supplies are scarce, so the firm has had to look overseas to make up the shortfall.
He was about to leave for New York to meet potential investors in a firm he was setting up to make software for the Apple II computer when he met Steve Wynn, a casino tycoon, at a party.
The firm used to be a sponge to soak up surplus east Indian Labour.
Despite starting his working life as a journalist, he became a programmer and embarked on the task to firm up his knowledge of how hardware worked.
Yet, even upon finding a better job, unlucky graduates still need to work their way back up within the firm to catch up with those lucky enough who found such a job right away.
Since Mr Huang's arrest hundreds of its stores have been closed and Bain capital, an American private-equity firm, has been brought in to shore up its capital.
黄被捕入狱后,几百家分店被关闭,为了缓解资金压力,贝恩国际- - -美国的私募基金公司,被引入公司。
Last August the Americans finally got a sniff of the al-Qaeda leader's whereabouts, but it took months to firm up the intelligence.
One of the best ways to get the best rest at night is to create a firm schedule for going to sleep and waking up.
The alliance also finances the oft-cited annual study performed by the research firm IDC that comes up with a dollar amount tied to piracy losses.
The alliance also finances the oft-cited annual study performed by the research firm IDC that comes up with a dollar amount tied to piracy losses.