Students will be able to choose between English, French and Russian as their first foreign language.
Here I learned my first important lesson: disabled as I was in language, I could still be smart and well express myself with clay.
Saying "thank you" is probably the first thing most of us learn to do in a foreign language.
I would, first of all, congratulate you on taking the first step of starting to learn that language.
One of the first features of language a child learns well is to control the rise and fall of the voice to make the difference between stating and questioning.
After two months on an ESL (English as a Second Language) course, I got my first report card.
经过两个月的 ESL(非母语英语课程) 的学习,我拿到了我的第一份成绩单。
Although philosophy no longer USES Latin as its first language, many of Cicero's philosophical terms are still in common employment today.
About 60 percent of people identify English as their first language, while 24 percent claim French.
Most Jews in the first century would've used Greek as their first language, not Hebrew or even Aramaic.
But because English is not his first language and because he's not as tech-savvy as his grandchildren, he has often found dealing with a typical cell phone difficult.
On the estimates of David Crystal, a British expert, some 350m people speak English as their first language.
More than 1 billion people speak English worldwide but only about 330m of them as a first language, and this population is not spreading.
I translate for the millions of Arabic language speakers (spoken by more than 280 million people as a first language).
First, if you aren't reading in your first language, language proficiency will be your biggest obstacle to high reading rates.
The first language I spoke was Chinese and I learned English later, but I forgot all my Chinese.
Learning your first language can be difficult, but taking what you know and applying it to another language can make the learning experience a lot easier.
The report also says that the New Orleans police routinely conduct illegal stops and searches, especially of blacks and those whose first language is not English.
This meta linguistic ability involves being able to "go beyond the words", helping an individual develop communication skills in both their first language and others.
As new English-learners, the entrants are expected to show some first-language interference such as the mispronunciation of certain phonemes and non-English stress and intonation patterns.
Scores are recorded on the Test Report Form along with details of the candidate's nationality, first language, date of birth and id number.
Even if you are reading in your first language, some authors will throw big words down you may not understand.
Generally speaking, people whose first language is English appreciate the different speaking styles that English speakers from different English speaking countries have.
Generally speaking, people whose first language is English appreciate the different speaking styles that English speakers from different English speaking countries have.