His Hollywood studio—the public heard—operated just like a democracy, where everyone was on first-name terms and had a say in how things should be run.
The most common approach to XML is to use all lowercase names with dashes, like first-name.
在XML 中,最常用的做法是名称全部小写并加连字符,比如 first-name。
We could add validation code to the register method to determine whether the first-name field is blank or null.
The Author_file stage contains the author information, including first-name, last-name, DateOfbirth, and author_id.
包含作者信息的 Author_file阶段,包括 first-name、last-name、DateOfbirth和 author_id。
Indian boy Priscine Patel is troubled by his first name.
印度男孩PriscinePatel 为自己的名字所困扰。
My first name is Theodore, but I don't like it, for the fellows called me Dora, so I made them say Laurie instead.
He knew her first name, at least, a charming name, a genuine woman's name; he knew where she lived; he wanted to know who she was.
He was the first name designer to collaborate with the fast-fashion group H&M in 2004.
A characteristic detail; outside of her immediate family, no one had ever known her first name. She was called Mademoiselle Gillenormand, the elder.
Marcheline was the first name of Jolie's mother, also an actress, who died of cancer last year.
Psychology experts reckon people whose first name begins with a outlive by 10 years those whose initial is D.
A Tripoli resident, who prefers to give just his first name, Ali, said by telephone Tuesday that much of the capital was functioning normally.
Shao, a former manager at a local Unilever factory who won't give his first name either, is 70.
When we talk about Web search, the first name that pops up is, of course, Google.
"When you think of the beneficiaries of this move, the first name that comes to mind is Tata," said Sabarad.
Given name First name This data is useful for identifying a person's name, other than through the last name.
To see the list of contacts sorted by first name, click the Sort by Firstname button.
为查看按名字排序的联系人列表,单击Sortby Firstname按钮。
For the first name match that is found, service description consisting of development time and runtime information about the service is return to the client application.
Indeed, we broke with a decade of tradition by referring to you throughout by your first name.
Similarly, Hillary Clinton was called by her first name by male interviewers but never by female interviewers.
Dr. Phil Parslow comes to the restaurant and Teri remembers his first name.
Dr. Phil Parslow comes to the restaurant, and Teri remembers his first name.
Some comments may be edited before posting and all comments will be ascribed to the author by stating his or her first name, affiliation and country.
For educational purposes, we've split this task among three threads: one prints the first name, one prints a space, and one prints the surname and a new-line.
Another witness who gave his first name as Fabio said he tried to warn police before the stampede occurred that a catastrophe was building.
Such a component could have 3 specific attributes (for first name, last name, and date of birth) and 3 input fields, laid out in a grid.
Such a component could have 3 specific attributes (for first name, last name, and date of birth) and 3 input fields, laid out in a grid.