Nor is it confined to first-tier cities such as Shanghai and Bangalore.
First-tier cities are still the top choices for graduates in 2015.
By 2050, Beijing is expected to become a new member of the world's first-tier cities.
Most of Banks in first-tier cities like Hangzhou, Nanjing, Fuzhou have suspended lending.
Developers in some first-tier cities have been dumping stocks to cope with the weak market.
This is close to the current average house price in some regions of first-tier cities in China.
We can build up marketing network in second-tier cities instead of saturated first-tier cities.
Her life mirrors that of many young Chinese in their 30s, especially if they live in first-tier cities.
Some graduates want to continue improving themselves after leaving campus and first-tier cities better serve this purpose.
There's a growing trend of recent graduates choosing jobs close to their homes, especially among those in first-tier cities.
First-tier cities including Beijing, Guangzhou, and Shanghai see congestion reduce by 40 percent during the same period, Fang added.
China's overall property prices will climb 3.3% to 6% this year, with the first-tier cities experiencing an adjustment in the 4th quarter.
今年中国的房价总体上会有3.3% - 6%的增长,一线城市的房价会在第4季度进行一次调整。
Office dwellers refer to those who linger at their offices after official work hours, most of whom are in the country's first-tier cities.
The total home sales areas in first-tier cities in the first half of this year declined 50 percent over the previous year, while prices increased.
And modern rhythm of life, psychological and environmental cause new mothers breastfeeding difficulties such as 80% first-tier cities as high as 90%.
Nearly 47 percent of people had plans to get their occupations in the non-first-tier cities like Wuhan, Hangzhou, Shenyang and Chengdu, according to the survey.
In the first week of the month, the total sales volumes in four major first-tier cities, including Beijing and Shenzhen, declined 20 percent over the previous week.
Among China's first-tier cities, Shenzhen will see the highest increase of 5.2%, while Beijing is likely to experience the lowest growth of 3.2%, according to the research.
The survey also showed that employees in Shanghai saw a salary increase of 6.7% on average in the first half of the year, which was the lowest raise among first-tier cities.
This financing round will help us not only solidify our market leader position in Southwest China, but also bring the unique Yafei experience to patients in first-tier cities.
For foodies in first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, there are more choices when dining out, but the time cost was higher than for foodies in other cities.
Finally, the biggest growth for most companies will come not from first-tier cities like Shanghai and Beijing but from second- and third-tier ones like Dalian, Chengdu and Hefei.
Target consumers: people with strong buying power in first-tier cities and south China region that are 18~40 years old and recognized as fashion followers, IT elites, and white-collars.
ABSTRACT: California Wine Institute(CWI) 2014 Master Class would launch the Reserva Wine Tasting in first-tier cities. You will have a chance to taste several reserva wines from California.
ABSTRACT: California Wine Institute(CWI) 2014 Master Class would launch the Reserva Wine Tasting in first-tier cities. You will have a chance to taste several reserva wines from California.